Setting Off

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Sorry for the short chapter. It's sort of just a filler before the final event that would be followed by the time skip. Oops, spoiled something for ya!


You know my dear readers...I checked around Wattpad and I found out that...

I'm about the only person (and for the future, the first person) who wrote an anime/manga fanfiction (Mainly with Naruto but there are others) with a person as a host of an actual deity (like in this case, a Shinto kami!) BANZAI!!

*clap clap stomp stomp* ^ ^

Rin's POV

~Five days later

I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed, waiting. Finally, another scream rang through the hallways. I closed my eyes. Shiga was getting what he deserved. Besides, I had to make sure Shiga would remain recognizable for Zabuza and Haku.

"Listening to a person screaming, when did you become so blood thirsty, Rin-chan?"

I opened one eye, "I'm not, Kabuto. Shiga needs to remain recognizable, and I'm making sure that happens."

Kabuto looked confused, "Why recognizable?"

I looked in the opposite direction with a grimace as an animal sounding scream came out from one of the rooms, "There were two people who helped me get into the gang hide-out. They were also after Shiga but just for the bounty, so I promised them that they could have Shiga after Orochimaru was done with them."

Kabuto gave me a contemptuous smirk, "You forgot to ask Orochimaru-sama, didn't you?"

I shrugged, "There is more that I have to tell him.... I figured I would wait. Besides, I had a much more important problem to attend to."

"What," said Kabuto curtly, "Haru?"

"Your dignity for Orochimaru is much appreciated," I snapped, "I had an argument with Haru, of course I counted that important!"

Kabuto's POV

It was amusing how fast Rin jerked upwards when Orochimaru opened the door. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, Rin-chan."

"Sure..." Rin said hesitantly. I chuckled, all confidence gone in the face of him, huh?

"Fortunately for you and the Demon Swordsman," said Orochimaru, "I am finished with Shiga Tadao. Not only was he a fail as a ninja, but he doesn't even have the genes for the Shiga clan's kekkei gekkei. How disappointing, there was a rumor that he dyed his hair and changed his eyes to hide evidence of his kekkei gekkei, but he doesn't have anything at all. I knew I should have gone after his elder daughter..."

I saw Rin stiffen considerably and her chakra spike up. What happened?"

".....but by now they must be far away and untraceable," Orochimaru-sama continued, "and I can't afford to send you away for so long."

Rin relaxed. Queer.

"There's another thing," Rin said quietly, "um..." She looked a little awkward, "how should I say this... You know-"

Orochimaru walked straight past Rin who looked up in surprise. "I don't have time for your embarrassed stuttering," said Orochimaru, "come, I need to attend to a prisoner, you may come along."

Rin turned a bright pink, "Y-Yeah..."


We walked into yet another chamber and Orochimaru said, "So, what is the 'other thing'?"

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now