The Regal Goddess

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Orochimaru's POV

I watch on the screen what the surveillance cameras were recording and I chuckle at what I see. Impressive, so Rin had already developed her own jutsus. She's also pretty good with the katana, but still a novice at it. Still, the speed...well, she is small after all. I see Rin stare at the mass of blood and she starts to shake. Then she screams out one word of defiance.

Oh, well, she is only six after all. All this killing must be traumatizing for her. Is this her first time to kill someone's? Ah, I better head downstairs before she stabs herself.

I walk swiftly down the steps and I throw open the door. Rin is covering her face with her bloody hands and I put a hand on her shoulder.

Rin's POV

I flinch at a gentle hand on my shoulder. This is horrible....I don't want to be a killer...

Orochimaru turns me around and smiles at me, "This is the world of shinobi," he says quietly, "you kill for many reasons....if if makes you feel better, I can tell you that every one of these prisoners that you just slaughtered were criminals who had killed others for fun. Take killing them as doing justice."

.....he was right. My breathing evens and I wipe my tears. "I-I want to wash my hands!" I spit and Orochimaru chuckles.

"I'll show you to your room."

Kabuto's POV

I turn a corner and I bump straight into Orochimaru-sama. "Oh shit! I mean, hello."

Orochimaru smirks at me, "Our Rin is starting to settle down."

"Er-that's good."

"Is something wrong, Kabuto-kun? Did you not want results?"

I adjust my glasses and I smile, "No, I just thought that from past experience, she would put up with more if a fight."

"Hehe, she wasn't broken into shards last time."

"Of course," I nod, "what is Rin doing right now?"

Orochimaru smiles, "Most possibly settling into her room. After a few hours I want you to do a few tests on her on determine her training. I think we can expect at least a few things from her."


Rin's POV

I stir my hands in the water and I clean my face. This was my home now huh.... I step out of the dimly lit washroom and I enter my bedroom. Gee, the repaired the mirror pretty fast, no, they probably just replaced it. Instead of empty ground I saw a plain white bed in a corner. In another corner was a closet. I opened the closet doors and I found layers of fabric, some mesh material and needle and thread. Well, mother did teach me how to sew. Mother...I hope you're doing well in the Pure World.

I sit on my new bed and I begin sewing.

~a few hours later

My fingers hurt so much....but I look at my completed masterpiece and I smile. It was a suitable dress, and it only reached my knees so it was convenient.

I wonder how bored I would be. I need to paint everyone in a while or else I would die of boredom.

It's ironic, how I am actually starting I enjoy myself in an enemy's lair. I don't want I feel like I belong here, but this was the only place. He was's no use to go back to Konoha when everyone thinks (and knows) that I died. Konoha is connected to me with just a thin thread of spider silk. Nothing else. And that thread, is composed of my memories, the memories that I hate.

I stare at the mirror, I really miss the Uchiha compound and the garden I would always lie's so painful to remember, I can't think of a single good thing about those memories to make me smile. I take off my bloody kimono and I toss is into the sink, I will wash if later. I slip on my new dress and I adjust it, surprisingly every stitch was perfect.

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