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Sorry for the short (and not so good) chapter!

Your writer friend,


Rin's POV

Have I ever been running for so long? I skid to a stop at the top of a tree and I balance myself on it's limbs. I was so small and light that even the tiniest branches supported me. I scan the forest and I frown when I realize that I can still see the place where I escaped out of. Farther, I need to go farther. I pant, this was torture. I can't run again without pausing for a moment of rest.

Besides, where am I? Who's hideout was I in? I hug my chest and I limp forward before breaking into a run again. I don't have to use my light speed, that takes too much energy. I'll run like normal for now...

Kabuto's POV

Ukon snorts, "You're saying that you'll send all five of us just for a little brat?" He glares at me, "Are you kidding me?"

"This brat you are talking about happens to interest Orochimaru-sama greatly," I say coolly, "when we got into a fight with her, she managed to injure us both. She holds great power."

The smirk on Sakon's face fades almost immediately.

Kiminaro inspects his fingernails, "Well, there are five of us."

"Four of us," mutters Kidomaru, "you don't count."

"Yes, I do," says Kiminaro smoothly, "unless you would like to deny the fact that I single-handedly defeated you all."

"Continuing our discussion," I say loudly, "this Rin has a lot of destructive power. It was also revealed that she has another seal on her that gives her power. She is also very fast, the eye alone will not be able to keep up with her."

"Can she use chakra?" Asks Jirobo cracking his large knuckles, "Is she able to use jutsus?"

"Not that I know of," I reply, but inside I wasn't sure. Rin was only five, but she had capabilities. Oh no, wait. "She has a so-called Jutsu which puts chakra into her hands, making the result of her very touches a million times stronger. It really can't be a Jutsu because there are no hand seals involved, it is only an action."

"Weaknesses?" Says Tayuya, speaking for the first time.

I scratch the back of my head, "Her physical strength is pretty pathetic, once you get a firm hold of her there is no escaping, but she's fast." I hold out my hand, "Orochimaru-sama will catch up with you in a bit. Now, move out!"

"Hai!" The Sound's Five leap off and I turn back. I would need to get my work done.

Kiminaro's POV

Tayuya plays a melody on her flute and it whistles around, the sound being thrown everywhere by the wind. Her three demons leap off ahead of us. A second later, one of them returns and Tayuya suddenly barked out, "Stop!" Everyone skidded to a stop on a branch and they looked around.

Suddenly, Kidomaru chuckled. "I see her, at least sixty meters ahead."

I peer through the trees and my eyes narrow. I could see the back of a torn kimono with black hair cascading down the back. The small child was panting and struggling to get up from the kneeling position. With such a small body, the lungs must not be very good for running long distances. Still chuckling, Kidomaru pulls out three arrows and aims them at the child. "Do not kill the girl," I order quietly and he scowls, repositioning his arrows. After about a second, he lets them fly free. The girl blurs and a second later, I realize that she had dodged two of the arrows, and caught the third one.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now