At the Brink of Peace, I want to change myself!

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Rin's POV

"HAAAAA!" He skidded across the floor and slammed against the wall. I sheathed my katana. He was a really hard opponent....

"I'm glad you can stop relying on me now," Ama said smugly, "before you would be putting a lot of strain on yourself trying to summon my chakra."

I smiled, "Thanks Ama!"

I had changed my fighting style to Kenjutsu, combining sword attacks with ninjutsu. I could simply use my katana without any chakra, but there were a lot of hard opponents out there! I stopped focusing on taijutsu. You can't excel in all three styles of fighting, it puts too much strain on the body. I've already forgotten half of my pressure posts, the only ones I remember are extremely hard to get.

My speed improved. I hardly do light speed. That is only for emergencies when I need to run away or something. After all, forcing my tiny body to travel at the speed a human isn't even supposed to be able to travel takes a lot of chakra.

I slid down against the wall, I watched the motionless body of my opponent. Had I killed him? I didn't mean to...but I might have started venting my defiance the second he started calling me names.

I was still called a lot of hurtful names, but I barely cared. Umi and Haru were there. If it weren't for them...I might have gone mad....

Were any of the Jinchuuriki as lucky as me? Did they have friends with them? But speaking of tailed beasts...I remembered my mission a few days ago.

"Ama...." I said, "in those memories depicting decades ago....You seemed to be familiar with Kurama. What happened between you two?"

"More broadly," Amaterasu said, "it is more of a what happened between the tailed demons and kami."

I blinked. "Eeeehhhh?"

"I will make it quick. The place within the Pure World where the kami reside is commonly known as the kami world. But it's real name is Eien no Niwa, the Eternal Garden. In truth, that was what it really was. Only special souls of dead mortals could go there. Eien....was home to all the kami (except for the banished Sasanoo), but that wasn't all....

"The good demons also lived with us. There were countless other demons and spirits, but the main group were the nine tailed beasts. As very young gods (our appearances were like younger children) we were good friends. The tailed beasts were still enormous but they were only children. Eventually the tailed beasts wanted to venture to earth. The other kami told them it was foolish and would end horribly for them. Of course they came pleading to my other brother and I. Strangely, we obliged.

"The main problem was that having nine powerful beings coming to earth would destroy a lot of the planet. As a result, we had to morph them into one being. That became the Juubi.

"On earth at that time was the Sage of Six Paths. To the mortal shinobi, he is also known as the Savior of the World. The Sage was the only mortal alive who wasn't a kami host to have close relationship with the kami. All of us in Eien respected him."

"Oh yeah," I suddenly said out loud, "that legendary guy?"

"......yes. He was the one who first discovered chakra and develop ninjutsu. The first shinobi.

"The ten-tails created from the fused nine beasts wrecked havoc in the world. Then, the Sage of Six Paths faced him and defeated the beast in battle. Because the Juubi couldn't be killed, the Sage sealed the it inside him.

"He was praised as a god...but he knew he would soon die. He asked us for help. My brother told him that the beast was really nine who wanted to live on the earth. And so, the Sage split the Juubi's chakra and recreated the nine tailed beasts. I heard they became good friends before the Sage died.

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