Back to the Hide-out, and Out Again

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Rin's POV

Foam slapped my face and I spat out. This was how high the waterfall was, I had been falling for at least twenty seconds and the end was coming no nearer. The place where the ax had hit me stung and I groaned, twitching in mid air.

"Dying already when I had told you it was a pain in the ass?" Said an amused voice and to my left I saw HokaNoJiko falling beside me. Only difference was that she looked completely relaxed.

"Shut up," I hissed.

"Either way, the impact of the water is going to hurt like hell," HokaNoJiko smirked and then vanished.

"Wha-" I turned my head and sure enough, the raging surface of the pool was only seconds away. "Oh cr-"

There was a deafening roar of water and my back jerked as it collided with the surface. A thousand tiny knives......

I screamed in pain only to realize my mistake. Water went over my head and I sunk deep. I forgot to take a breath. I freaking forgot to take a breath! Force that was no doubt the whirl pools pulled me deeper and soon the ravaging surface could no longer be seen.

My head felt heavy, and I needed to move faster than this blundering speed. Hey, I could test out my level two right here right now and see if it was good enough to get me the hell out of this place.

With the remainders of what I had, I gathered my chakra and felt my neck burn. Something that sounded like wind whispering started to spread across my face and then I blacked out.

Kabuto's POV

I stepped back and I shivered. This chakra, sent chills down my back and made me reoccur my deepest fears. The three escaped prisoners had their shaking backs turned to us and I could see Haru facing the prisoners.

"I will kill you."

The black chakra blasted forewords and I shielded my face. "O-Orochimaru-sama!" I yelled, "What do we do?!"

Orochimaru said nothing but licked his lips in excitement. "Stay right here Kabuto-kun," he said silkily, "we are about to experience the extent of this hidden power that Haru-kun has revealed."

The piercing emerald eyes that were once Haru's were replaced by glowing silver ones. I could faintly see blue markings on the pupils but at this rate, I was more focused on the dangerous chakra.

Haru yelled and the chakra intensified. Faintly above him, the chakra had take on the loose form of a grinning face. An apparition of a demon?

Haru's hands were suddenly making fast hand seals and his mouth formed words, but over the deafening roar of chakra, I could hear nothing. Suddenly silvery chains shot out from the ground around Haru's feet and flailed madly around.

Haru's expression turned stony and he raised a hand. Three of the chains shot in our direction and I stiffened in panic. Only...the chains had lodged inside the three prisoners instead.

They were dead, they had to be. The chains lifted the prisoners up and they started to make strangled animal noises. They weren't dead?

"Kabuto-kun," whispered Orochimaru, "look at the chains."

The ends of the chains were inside the prisoners alright. I could see them. The chains were GLOWING inside the bodies, and there was no blood shed, even as the chains had plunged into the bodies. The chains didn't seem to have a state of matter, yet it managed to lift the three prisoners up.

Suddenly inside the bodies, the chains seemed to be curving and stiffening as if they were wrapping around something inside the prisoner's bodies.

My eyes traveled to Haru and his hand that was raised suddenly closed into a fist and jerked backwards. The chains rushed back and then I heard it. The sound of flesh being ripped apart.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now