The Hidden Mist's Demon and the Boy of the Snow

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Rin's POV

I sighed and I released the hand seal. Well so much for nothing, the gangster was either not in the village or in the shadows somewhere. Do gangsters hang out in the shadows? Yes, yes they do. So I had to search this entire place for one piece of trash, on my own feet. I wish I had summoning animals, maybe I should get some after this mission. I stood up and I overlooked the entire village with my eyes glowing, where's that face, where's that face.....

Something white flickered at the corner to my eye and I turned my head. A white bird, and there was pulsing energy flowing from it. It was alive for sure, but why was it....

I hesitantly picked it up, it made rustling sounds as it moved around and I laughed quietly, paper? I tossed the bird into the air and watched it fly away. What a queer village. Ah, oh well.

I pushed myself off the cliff and felt the wind on my face as I leapt down. I rolled on the hard ground and changed to a faster speed as I sped towards the towers.

I run through the streets. Really, this place is a wonderful village. I love the bustling excitement it has! Too bad it seems like the government is a little off.... I mean in Konoha everything was so orderly, and I could clearly think "this place has a stable government. " looked a little unruly.

I snapped my fingers suddenly. To find trouble, make trouble! But that might cause attention that will spread to other villages...who cares. I'll be quick about it. I pull up my hood of the cloak that I wore over my attire and I turned to head into some of the alleyways.

Let's see, first I'll find a good excuse to get in a fight. After I beat everyone, I'll force them to tell me some intel. Then I'll run off and hope I don't see their sorry faces again.

"Where you heading to, kid?" Something cool is pressed against my neck and I look down. A kunai? No, just a butcher's knife. This was not a shinobi then. "Hey kid, lower your hood."

I gave a false smile that could be seen even under the hood, "Sorry, sir. I was just taking a walk around."

"We'll you're taking a walk in Fu territory, kid. If you don't want your ass kicked, you better move it."

"What is Fu territory?" I asked innocently, "Are you an authority over Amegakure that had divided up the land?"

"Baka kid," growled the stranger, "this is gang territory! We're led by the Fu family and we sell not only drugs but other.....interesting things."

Tch, I'll play the stupid kid role then. With some luck, I'll end up smack in the middle of the base. Big gangs usually had relations with each other right? I'm sure they would do business with the Shiga.

"Oh," I said in a bright voice, "can you show me? I'm really bored and I don't want to do the private training my parents are giving me." I'll also play the wealthy child's play. But you know, I am part of an upper-class clan, even if it was massacred...

A jolt of pain ran through me but I ignore it.

"" Asked the man, and he sounded excited, "As in you are wealthy?"

"If I pay you, will you show me the interesting things?" I asked brightly. Nobody is ever that stupid to strike a bargain like that. If this was real, I would have just dug my own grave. But since this was an act, I might as well get as stupid as I can. I'm only six....

"You are a horrible actor," whispered Ama softly and I could feel the rare smile in her voice.

"And they're just too stupid to realize it," I thought back, "don't worry Ama, I'll improve my skills."

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now