Kagayaku, Konen'nin Hikari!

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This book and all it's chapters are copyrighted. You all know what I don't own and what I DO own.

Short chapter...

Wow...remember how I said this would be a nice short book? Now it's starting to exceed the length of the first one... -_-

Also, the next chapter will be a special one before the time skip, and I will need time to do some research! Also, I've realized I haven't posted ANY pictures of any OC which is very stupid of me >:( So I will also spend some time drawing so...the next chapter might take a little longer!

Please vote, comment, and enjoy! No seriously, less than fifty percent of readers are actually voting. Really! Why? But...special thanks to SaikaKouzlo who has supported me from dawn till dusk, finishing my chapters in a short span of two days, and not even using all 48 hours!


Rin's POV

"You did deliver Akane and Kitsune to Iwagakure, right?"

"Yes, kid."

"Here's Shiga then." I threw the scroll at Zabuza's face but he caught it.

Zabuza sat down. "Okay, kid." Zabuza waved Haku off who silently leapt back into a tree, "here's the thing with Swordsmen. We endure. And we have a secret." Zabuza crossed his arms, "We're close with our swords."

I exploded, "That's no secret at all!"

"I suppose. The swordsman Raiga is close with his twin swords. I'm close with mine. Hoshigaki Kisame even freaking named his sword." Zabuza leaned forewords, "But it's more than that. It's a deeper connection. I am going to block your chakra and beat you mercilessly until you achieve that connection."

"This is only a spare katana that Orochimaru gave me," I said glumly, "I replace it each day with another, so connection my ass."

"Well get connected because I don't give a shit about Orochimaru. If you can't fight then I'll have to kill you."

What was with this cliche thing about connection?! Since when did such a "devil" like Zabuza spout such stupid sounding things? Did connection mean relying? Or was it friendship? Haha...friendship....


"Wait-" I turned around just in time to see Haku jab me in multiple places. No! I knew those points, they shut off my chakra system. Dammit!

Zabuza came rushing at me and I leapt back. His sword came crashing down on mine.

My eyes widened. His speed, his strength, his ferocity had tripled. That time...that time by the lake, he had been holding back and I was still beat up. But now he was going all out. What an honor to have one of the Seven Swordsmen use his all to fight you, bah.

I gritted my teeth. Compared to who I was put against in the hideout, I was excellent with the sword. Compared to him, I was horrible with the sword. All this time I had thought that I was improving, but now when I look at myself, I feel so stupid at all my self illusions.

I was stuck battling with Zabuza to the death until I managed to achieve a connection I didn't even understand.

Things weren't looking up.

Itachi's POV

"-so then Haru tried to tear his arms off...."

I leaned against a tree while Umi reclined casually between two forking branches. She had been recalling her younger brother's recent fights. For some reason it didn't hurt when others recalled their siblings. Perhaps I was already numb to it? No...that was impossible. I would never get used to my regret. What I was numb to was my mask of nonchalance.

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