In to the Shiga Gang

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Dear Readers,

I am so sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I know it's only been about two weeks or something but for me, that's a long time. Sorry for the short chapter, I'll update soon!

Oh right, ranting time. I appreciate the many reads on both the first book, and the second book. Then why are the votes and comments so little? Not just for me, but for others too: You need to appreciate their books. Don't take them for granted. How is it that you can spare minutes and hours on end reading the stories and also doing other things like going on Facebook or something, when you can't spare a simple second to vote or comment?

Sorry about my ranting, just speaking out for the sake of a couple dozen writers ^ ^


Picture of Shiga Tadao (ignore how modern he looks, this is actually an image from another anime series so I don't own this image) -------> wait, if the image isn't there that means Wattpad went haywire and deleted it :)

Rin's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open and the skin around them felt heavy. I was reluctant to open my eyes when I suddenly noticed how sore my back was. I peered down hazily and I saw some beige fabric framed by my hanging black hair. Huh...was my head bowed down?

I heard the crackling of a fire and saw warm orange light ahead of me. I heard two voices muttering and my first thought was 'what in kami am I doing with two random people?'

Aren't I supposed to be at the bottom of the lake or something? I shifted my hands and I frowned. I couldn't move them. There was something rough digging into them and it seemed wet with something. Sweat? Blood? Probably both. What were my hands doing behind me? There was something hard and bumpy pressed against my back and I was siting on hard ground. My knees were bent in front of me.

I tried myself. Damn... Still low on chakra, and every inch of me hurt. I was surprised to see white bandages though, who had done them for me?

"She's awake, Zabuza-sama."

Something approaches me and I jerked backwards. A tearing pain went across my face and I gasped. "Don't move around too much," said a gentle voice and I recognized it as the voice of the boy who had pierced my neck with senbon needles, "you're reopening the wound on your face."

Fingers went under my chin and my face was lifted up. The hair that shielded my face fell behind my ears and I avoided the soft eyes of the boy. The boy lifted his other hand which had a cloth and gently dotted my face with it. It stung at first but gradually the pain numbed and with a smile, the boy wrapped a white cloth diagonally around my head to bandage the cut.

"Why...." I said through gritted teeth, "you were trying to kill me and nearly did. Just what are you planning?"

"Huh," my face snaps up and I see Zabuza casually picking something out if his ear, "I assumed that you knew the directions to the hide-out of the Shiga gang so I figured that I'd keep you."

"Go get someone else," I said dully, "I'm not in the mood."

"You better be," said Zabuza, "the way I see it, we can throw you back into the lake again, but not before cutting your limbs off."

I tried to lunge forward, only to find that the hard thing pressing against my back was a small pillar that I was bound to.

"It's useless, kid," said Zabuza, "with your physical strength, you're not breaking out and your hands can't make hand seals at the moment."

Hahaaaaaaa! They didn't cover up my eyes!

"I'm not telling an enemy anything that is crucial to my mission," I said plainly.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now