Umi Haru Rin and the Moonlit Cliff

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Picture of Umi on the side with her favorite flower petals Xp------------>>>

I drew it, like it :D

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Rin's POV

I lifted my head and I frowned. My entire body was so sore. I moved my arms and I felt around on my face. Nothing much... I wonder what happened. A memory flickered by and I froze. Those horrible images.... I just can't get rid of them.

"So the little disobedient girl finally awakens." The pulsing feeling in my neck flared and I cried out, only a second later I was knocked down and a foot was placed on my chest, crushing my lungs and my rib cage. Kabuto stared at me. "Why did you just run off, were you planning on releasing that Takeshita brat?"

I placed both hands on his ankle and I writhed, "I only wanted to show him outside and then bring him back," I choked.

"Oh really," the pressure magnified and I screamed. I swear something cracked just now...

"Enough, Kabuto-kun." A cold hand finds my face and I am forced to look at reptile eyes. "Why would you break my rules, Rin-chan? I thought you hated Haru-kun."

I gritted my teeth, "You wouldn't understand," I said, "you never would! You seem to enjoy trapping people in darkness and I can't stand that!"

Orochimaru raised an eye-brow. "Is that so," he mused, "then, what would you do for me to release him permanently out of the prison. What would you do to let him see the moon again?"

This was Orochimaru's true face. To play with people's emotions, to take advantage of their troubles and pain. This...this monster. I don't care if he has the human features and genes, he isn't human. But what can I do? He is my Sensei in this place. It was fantasy to think I could strut around in my own rules. Anything that I wanted to happen had to be begged for, sacrificed for...I had no control.

This was sickening, yet when I think of Haru curled up in there like I used to be, I feel more sick. "Anything," I finally whisper.

Orochimaru laughed, "You had already agreed to be my destructive tool on the condition that I do not touch Sasuke-kun....what else can I ask of you I wonder?"

"....I can...I can heal you whenever you need it."

Orochimaru's gaze locked on to mine. "You never told me you had healing abilities, Rin-chan."

I swallowed, "I didn't deem the abilities as 'useful' until now."

Orochimaru chuckled, "Very well, I suppose that would come useful when needed. I'll send someone to bring in your food. Then you can go back to your room or a while before we resume training."

"When will you let Haru out," I demanded.

Orochimaru surveyed me with cold eyes, "Well, let's see. If training goes well, then you'll be able to see him tonight. If not..." He shrugged, "you'll have to wait another day."

He left the room and closed the door with a snap. The door is most likely locked, if it isn't...well, lets just say then I have the absolute right to call him an idiot.

I still don't like head started to bow down and I nodded off. Before long...everything in my head had disappeared.

Umi's POV

I opened the door gently. Strange, Orochimaru-sama didn't lock the door. I peeked inside and found a small girl slumped in a corner, her head bowed down. Gentle breathing wrapped around her ad I couldn't help but smile. She was exactly like Haru, despite a dew distinct differences.

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