Rivalry, Join the Sound's Five!

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Rin's POV

I jerked to run but white things shot out and wrapped around my arm, attaching it to his.

"What are you doing with the other prisoners?" Kimimaro said coldly to me.

"Please don't tell anyone," I begged, "I just, I just-"

"What?" He whispered and the bones that secured my arm tightened. Pressure shot to my shoulder and my knees buckled from the pain. I went onto my knees and I just managed to spit out some words.

"I....was worried....about that boy...who I sparred with, today."

"They're just trash," said Kimimaro coldly, "you shouldn't bother with them."

"That's not true!" I cried out, "They were all hurt, and I really wanted to help!"

"As in break them out?" Kimimaro dragged me back into standing position and he glared at me, "You should feel lucky that Orochimaru-sama even accepted you! And now here you are being ungrateful-"

"No," I hissed, "I wasn't going to set them free! I just wanted to check on Haru-san-" the grip became tighter and I winced, "I swear i wasn't planning any conspiracy or anything! Just let me go!" The bones finally retreated and I massaged my arm, "Can you please leave me alone now?" I snarled, "I need to head back."

Kimimaro smirked, "Your room is in the deepest pits of the hideout, you'll get lost in this labyrinth before you can do anything. I'll take you to your room, but I can't let you be able to retrace your steps, can I?"

"What-" something hit the back of my neck and I fell forward. Stupid Kimimaro-san....

Kimimaro's POV

I caught Rin right before she hit the ground I tossed her over my shoulder. What a troublesome girl....sneaking around, doesn't she know the kinds of punishments Orochimaru-sama gives out? She was so breakable.....it would be a long time before anyone would acknowledge her strength.

Rin's POV

A grey ceiling. It was so dark in here. I was so used to Sasuke's bedroom with faint light streaming in. But I had no windows here. Just some candles. How did I end up here? Did Kimimaro-san....did he tell? What if I bring out harm on Haru? He'll never trust me again!

Somehow...it felt so important to earn his trust.... Was it because he was the only person to make me laugh for a long time? Could I consider him as a friend? I sat up and I saw a tin plate with some bread and an apple and a tin can with water. Wearily, I took some and I bit into the apple. If was sweet and soft like the Dango I used to eat.

I finished my breakfast quickly and I walked slowly around my bedroom. I saw a narrow door and i peaked inside. A toilet, but nothing else? is this some kind of dirty joke?

I walked out of my bedroom and I bumped into Kabuto-san. "Where's the-"

"If you are wanting to wash up," said Kabuto with a slight smirk, "you can continue walking after making a left turn in the next set if split hallways.

I stared at him, did the people here always smirk at you as if you were the funniest thing? I simply turned away from him and walked down the hall way slowly, taking small steps.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now