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Rin's POV

"Gargh," my hand went to my mouth as a little blood came out, I'm so weak...I can't even do these exercises...

"Well it's decided then," says Kabuto pleasantly, snapping his notebook shut, "you will train in fast taijutsu and your own ninjutsus....and what do you feel about katanas?"

I glare at him. I don't trust this place, if doesn't matter that I had agreed to stay in return for strength and leaving Sasuke intact, they still tried to kill me before. "It's fine," I say softly, "I like those kinds of things..."

"Alright then," Kabuto tosses me a wide scroll and I catch it.

"What is this?"

"A detailed diagram of the human body's nerves system, chakra system and pressure points. Please study it and I'll tell you what you need to do with the knowledge later..." Kabuto smiles at me, gathers his notes and leaves the room where I was testing my strength.

I unrolled the scroll and it sped down the floor, stretching out like a newborn river. So many....diagrams and arrows appointing to different things...Does he want me to memorize it?

Bah, so be it.

"Are you planning to stay with him?"

Finally awake then, Ama? Where were you when I was trying to flee?

Ama's voice comes out sharper, "so you don't want to stay here? You want to leave? That bastard mortal-"

Overprotective as always, I think sourly, it's fine. I'm going to stay here for a while, Orochimaru promised to make me stronger so I can protect my family again. I just have to be his tool or something...which I-

"You are going to be labeled a lot, you must realize that. I would think it is quite painful to be labeled by others. And Uchiha Rin-"

I flinch when she says my full name.

"-I can tell you will be in a lot of pain over the next years. Do not assume this is like Konoha and the Uchiha Compound."

The scroll drops from my hands and lands with a thump. I start shaking and the world spins around me. No...I don't want to remember...

"Sorry, sorry!" Says Ama hastily, "I will leave you alone." I can feel Ama's presence leave and I sigh. I pick up the scroll and I start my memorizing again.

Ugh....so many points on the body that effect so many things...what was the point of all of this? Did Kabuto want me to become a medical specialist? Fat chance, I will never want to become one.




This life...is very plain. I'm bored. Yes, I am bored, and scared at the same time. I'm going to be living this life... And I don't know for how long.

I look at the scroll again. I've already gotten the points on each foot, that's pretty good. I think I'm going to take a break.

I open the door and I race down the hall way, storage room...storage room....I need a brush, some colors, and some paper. I look at the dark hallway and I snort, so much for color in this dingy place, I'll go with plain ink. I continue running and I bump into a wall of flesh and reeking clothing.

"Where you think you going?" Snarls a man and my subconscious takes note if his lack of grammar, "You trying to escape? I have to kill you if you try to escape.." The man charges at me and my instincts prick up. I leap out of te way and I dive down for his feet. Just as I go under him, my fingers hit a point on his foot as hard I can.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now