Tales of the Past~Pt. 3

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This story is copy-righted. We all know what every single fan fiction writer owns: OC, original jutsu, and original plots. Quite frankly, I own the entire plot of this story.

And we all know what Kishimoto owns.

Just about 100 pages! I can't believe it!

School is starting for me. I can't update as much anymore. Trust me, I feel just as terrible. But, no excuse! Please love my stories anyways! I need the love ^ ^ Updates every weekend!

I'm sorry. I promised I would end it here. I'm going to shortly post an extremely short chapter after this one to conclude this short "Tales of the Past" arc.



Rin's POV

I exploded. What the hell? What happened to you Madara?! You're just saying that because you're selfish! You don't understand Hashirama at all!

You give him the option to kill his own brother? You don't understand anything! You don't understand how Hashirama felt to lose a brother! You don't-

You do. It hit me suddenly. You DO understand how it feels to lose a brother, Madara. You just lost all five of them. If Hashirama killed Tobirama...you knew he would feel the same agonizing pain that you felt. So....you gave him another option, to kill himself. Were you really that understanding at that time?

"To kill your brother or to commit suicide?!" Tobirama yelled, "What the hell are you saying, you-"

Hashirama waved a hand, silencing his brother and shocking the Senju.

"That man is crazy!" Tobirama spat, "What are you going to do, brother?! Are you going to kill me.......?" Hashirama looked away, "-Or do you want to die to follow this guy's nonsense? How foolish..... Don't listen to him brother!"

The entire time, Madara had his eyes trained on Hashirama.

Hashirama smiled, "Thank you Madara," he stood up and started to undo the straps on his armor, "indeed you are a sympathetic person."

The armor clattered to the ground, leaving Hashirama in nothing but plain shinobi cloths.

No.........wait a minute.

Hashirama's right hand gripped a kunai that was carefully pointed at his chest. Madara eyed him wearily.

"Listen to me, Tobirama," said Hashirama sternly, "these will be my last words. I'll give you these words in place of my life. The rest of the clan should do the same.

"After my death, do not kill Madara. The Uchiha and Senju must never fight again. Vow on your fathers and grandchildren that are not born yet."

Hashirama closed his eyes in a smile and raised the kunai. "Farewell."

"Now wait a minute!" I yelled, "You lived a life of fighting without even seeing your dream! Do you really think Tobirama is going to do as you say if you kill yourself?!"

"Rin!" HokaNoJiko barked, "You are viewing the damn past! Your yelling isn't going to change a single thing!"

"Shut up!" I screamed as a single tear from Hashirama dripped down, "Shut the hell up!" Hashirama brought his arm in-

"No!" I yelled.

At that same moment, a hand reached up and grabbed Hashirama's. Thank god......thank god..... I looked up.

Madara had grabbed Hashirama's hand, his expression stoic. Hashirama was stunned.

"That's enough," Madara said, "I have seen your guts."

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now