Diagnosing Attraction. Part 28

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What's up guys! Bet you weren't expecting an upload so soon :P I'm quite surprised myself!

This is my last week off before I go back to Uni :( My first glass is on Wednesday, so I'm not looking forward to that! But now that all my friends are back at Uni, I do need something to help pass the time :P And I did get to choose 4 of my modules this year, so it'll be more interesting I hope!

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I hope you like it!!!!


"Come in," Harrison shouted so his voice carried through the door and I opened the door tentatively. I looked over at his desk as I stepped into his office, but he was looking down at a file on his desk and writing something with a frown on his forehead.

"What's up?" I closed the door and walked over to his desk, but he didn't look up when I stopped in front of the desk.

"I had a patient in with me today for an appointment, any ideas who it could be?" He asked without look up from what he was doing, making me feel really uncomfortable when I realised where he was going with this.

"No idea," I feigned ignorance and shook my head, hoping that he didn't mean Tom.

"So the name Tom Ferguson wouldn't mean anything to you?" He finally set down his pen and looked up at me, whilst sitting back in his chair. I sighed and closed my eyes, as I put my head in my hand, hoping that Tom wouldn't say anything to him. "Why would you even need to talk to him?"

"I saw you and Tom walking together last week and I just wanted to make sure that he was okay, because you only really take difficult cases." I really didn't want Harrison to find out that I met up with Tom, I was hoping it wouldn't create any problems.

"Did you not think about the position that talking to him would put me in?" He looked pretty angry when I looked up at him, the frown that was on his forehead was now even more evident.

"I don't understand," I didn't understand why it would cause such an issue, it isn't like Harrison told me any details about his case.

"When you met up with him it mixed my personal life with my professional life, which puts me in a really bad position Amelia."

"It isn't like you broke confidentiality and told me all about his medical case," I would understand he'd be in a bad position if he told me, but he didn't.

"It doesn't matter, I can't ethically treat someone when the woman I'm seeing knows my patient personally." He explained and shook his head at me, "especially when said patient is the ex-boyfriend of the woman I'm seeing." He looked even more annoyed at that, which wasn't good considering how pissed off he was already.

"So what's going to happen now?" I wasn't sure whether he would have to stop treating Tom or whether he just doesn't want me to talk to Tom anymore.

"I've had to transfer him to another neurologist, because whatever treatment I give him and whatever decisions I make, they'll all be called into question. "Now that I know he's your ex, I can't treat him because it's too close to my personal life," he's officially never been this mad around me. "I have to keep my personal life separate from my professional life, I don't want them to mix at all."

"You can't expect to keep it one hundred percent separated, you can't just switch off from work when you get home, because you're on call some days." I understand why he's annoyed that I spoke to Tom, but I don't understand why he expects to keep his work and personal life separate, because I can't do it.

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