Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Still waiting on her reply...


The next day, I decide to consult Ethan before I tell Blake my decision.

"Hey, Ethan. Remember what you said yesterday? About Blake respecting girls in a relationship and stuff? Was that all true? You weren't lying to me, right?" I ask him.

Ethan laughs. "Trust me, I wouldn't lie to you," he says.

I laugh and wink at him. "Good to know."

"But yeah, that's true. Why?" he answers.

I gulp. "You can't tell anyone, ok?" I bite my lip.

I don't want anyone knowing, or else Katie will be on my back. I hope she understands.

"Ok. I promise."

I take a deep breath. "Blake asked me out yesterday."

Ethan's eyes light up. "Really? Finally!" he exclaims.

I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me? Finally?"

Ethan rubs the back of his neck. "Oh, that's did you say yes?"

"Why does everyone just assume I'm going to say yes!?" I ask irritably, throwing my hands up in the air.

Ethan shrugs. "Everyone thought you liked him. I mean, you were constantly flirting with him."

My jaw drops. "Who's 'everyone'?"

"Jonas, Jack, Sam, Cindy, Michelle, Katie-"

"Ok, ok. I get the point. But you guys knew before I did myself!" I argue.

Ethan smirks at me. "Not our fault you were in denial."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Jerk," I mutter.

"I heard that," he says.

"Good!" I reply, walking away to find Blake before the bell rings.

"Wait!" he calls after me. "What are you going to tell him!?"

I look over my shoulder. "You'll find out sooner or later!"


When I see Blake talking to Sam by his locker, butterflies start to form in my stomach.

Damn it, Blake. The affect you have on me is ridiculous!

When I reach them, I decide to scare him a little. His back is facing me, so I put a finger to my lips so Sam won't say anything.

I see the corners of his lips turn up a bit, but he quickly covers it up.

I slowly reach up on my tiptoes and blow into Blake's ear. It's a trick I learned when I took self defense classes. If you blow just right, it'll sound like a hollow sound. It's really weird, and it makes you all jumpy-which is exactly what happened to Blake.

He jumps up, covering his ear. "Ahh-what the hell!?" he shouts

Sam and I burst out laughing as Blake glowers at us.

"I-I need to talk to you," I manage to get out in between laughs.

I hear Blake mumble some incoherent words before he grabs my arm and drags me away, abandoning Sam.

I blow him a kiss and wink at him. He sends me a thumbs up back.

Man, it felt good to laugh. To have a good time. It has been forever since I've actually felt this good-since I've actually been able to feel carefree.

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