Chapter 40

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I wake up in the den to find the TV still going on with some random show playing. Sitting up, I stretch and look around.

Where's Jacey?

I flip off the covers and swing my legs over the couch, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and turning off the TV. I look around for my phone to find out what time it is, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

I could have sworn I left it on the coffee table.

I get up from the couch and pat myself down before patting the couch down, thinking maybe I had it on me and it fell. After not finding it anywhere, I decide to go upstairs to my room; maybe I left it there!

On my way up the stairs, I pass Jacey's room. Her room door is closed, so I assume she's sleeping. She probably didn't want to wake me downstairs so she let me sleep.

Or you were being a reckless sleeper and couldn't take your snoring.

I laugh at myself. That could easily be a possibility, too.

That's when I realize how crazy I am. I'm literally standing in the middle of the hallway outside of my girlfriend's room, laughing at a thought that was inside my head.

I must be really fucking tired.

I place my hand on Jacey's room door and was about to sneak a peak at her in her room when I hear a voice call out to me.

"Blake? What are you doing?" Mr. Monroe stands with his arms crossed in front of me, and I could feel the intimidation radiating off of him.

"I was just, I was-"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" he asks.

I nod quickly and lift my hand from the knob. I can't really blame the guy for being protective I mean what father trusts their daughter's boyfriend? I'm surprised he even let me stay here.

I walk as quietly as I can to my room, closing my door. Flipping on the light switch, I start to wander around, looking for my phone. I check the nightstand, dresser, bed, underneath the bed, in the drawers, you name it. But I still can't find it anywhere!

I grind my teeth and check everything one last time before giving up. It's starting to get light out and according to my alarm clock it's 15 minutes until I have to get up for school. Might as well just shower.

I strip and step into the shower, letting the water run down my back. I close my eyes, holding back a groan from how good the hot water feels on my muscles.

My relaxation is cut short when there's some banging on the door.

"Blake! BLAKE! Get out of the shower! Please!"

It was Mrs. Monroe, and let me tell you, she sounded fucking scared.

It's probably just a spider or something.

I turn off the shower, grab my towel and hop out all at the same time. I wrap my towel around the bottom half of my body before swinging the door open and coming to the rescue.

"WHAT WHAT!?" I karate chop the air, but Mrs. Monroe is nowhere to be seen. I stand upright, realizing now that this might not be just a teeny spider situation. "Uh, Mrs. Monroe?"

"Oh, in here sweetie," I hear her say from the living room. I hear sobbing, which makes me slightly hesitate.

I slowly make my way into the living room, where I find Mrs. Monroe sitting on the sofa sobbing into her hands. Mr. Monroe was sitting on the arm chair, massaging his temple.

I tighten the towel around my hips as it has loosened when I did my karate chop. " everything ok?" I ask, afraid of the answer. My heart is racing, and the only thing I can think about is Jacey.

Speaking of Jacey; she's not in the room, and this seems to be important. "Where's Jacey?" I ask, looking around.

Mrs. Monroe starts to sob harder, making me physically and mentally step back.

What the hell is going on!?

Mr. Monroe starts to consult his wife. "Blake-" his voice cracks. "Jacey...she's missing."

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