Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Blake's been avoiding me. When I confronted him about it, he denies it and claims that he isn't mad...

But his eyes tell a different story.


I know I shouldn't be mad at Jacey, but I can't help it! She freakin' broke my heart-and I don't care how girly I sound right now.

"I told you not to do it," Jack said when I told him what happened. "You forgot that she was the only one resistant to your so called charm."

"Key word there: was."

~One week later~


"Blake, stop. How long is this going to go on?"

Blake stops in his tracks, causing me to smack into his backpack.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he says before starting to slowly walk again.

"Don't do this, Blake. I told you when we broke up that we just needed space! I still want to be friends!"

Blake stops and spins on his heel. "Space? You want space?! Well how much space do you want while being just friends with me!? I can't do this, Jacey! I can't be just friends with you! I like you, and I'm not going to let that go! We deserve to be together!" he shouts.

My eyes are wide. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

Blake blinks and takes one look at my face before shaking his head and walking away.



Later that day, I send Jacey a text.

Hey. Sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't mean it. I told you I would respect your decision. And I do. So...ya. I hope we're still ok.


I chew on my pencil's eraser, anxiously waiting for a reply.

After about 10 chewed off erasers, I know she isn't going to answer, and that I really screwed up.

Ugh. You're so stupid! I told you NOT to get upset!

And I told YOU to stay out of my business!

Yeah, 'cause that's totally going to happen. 'Cause it's not like I'm in your STUPID, LITTLE HEAD or anything!

My eyes widen and I quickly shake my head.

Was I really just telling my mind to stay out of my business?

I think I was.



A knock on my door makes me look up from my homework.

"Hey, J," my mom says quietly, poking her head behind the door.

I smile. "Hey, Mom."

My mom slowly comes in and closes the door behind her-quietly might I add.

I raise an eyebrow. "Um...Is everything ok?" I ask nervously.

My mom nods, coming to sit down on my bed. I swivel around in my chair to face her.

" never told me what happened with Blake."

I groan. "Mom! Not this!" I swivel back around to my homework. I'd actually rather do homework than talk about Blake.

"You actually might want to hear this."

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