Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


After getting absolutely nothing out of Jack, I head home.

I decide to just drop the topic. If this is Blake's way of breaking up with me, then so be it. I don't need him!

I pull into my driveway and stop the car. I grab my keys, get out of my car, and sulk into my house.

"Hey, where've ya been?" my dad asks when he sees me.

I shrug, not really wanting to talk to anyone.

Argh, Blake! I hate you for having this affect on me! I literally just told myself I wasn't going to care, and here I am sulking!

"Everything ok?" my dad asks.

I snap out of my thoughts and shake my head. I realize, then, that I still haven't moved from my spot in front of the door.

"Erm, yeah. I'm just going to go upstairs and do some homework." I start up the stairs, almost tripping over my little brother. "Oh! Sorry, little buddy. Didn't see you there!" I apologize.

Joe smiles up at me. "It's ok!" he squeaks.

Aw, just seeing his face makes me feel better.

I step to the side and continue up the stairs to my room.

Once I'm alone, I begrudgingly start my homework.


Oh God. I am so glad today is over! I just want to sleep!

I jump onto my bed and curl up into a ball. I close my eyes, already falling asleep, when suddenly, I hear a voice.


I open my eyes to find Joe standing in my doorway. The hallway light illuminates him in the dark of my room.

I sit up. "Joe? What's wrong?"

Joe runs to me, climbing onto my bed. "I can't sleep," he whines in a baby voice, his voice close to crying.

I move my blanket aside and pull him into a hug. "Aw, it's ok, J. You can sleep with me!"

Joe's eyes light up. "Really!?" he exclaims.

I nod. "Yup. Just lay down right-"

"Can you read me a story!?" he asks.

I suppress a yawn and nod my head. "Sure. What do you wanna read?"

Joe peers around my room before shrugging.

"Well, where are your books?" I ask.

Joe shrugs again.

I cock an eyebrow before turning to my nightstand. I grab the book off the table and open it up to a random page.

"A molecule's defined as an electrically neutral group of at least two atoms..." I start to drone on about the Molecular Theory.

I see Joe's eyes getting droopy and smirk.

Ha. Little boy think he can keep my awake. I don't think so.

Joe slumps onto the bed, his eyes now fully closed.

I quietly close my textbook and put it back on my nightstand. I turn back around and jump when I find a pair of big, wide eyes staring an inch away from my face.

"Joe!" I shout, putting a hand over my heart." Are you possessed or something!?" I say, creeped out by even the thought of it.

Joe frowns. "I'm not sleepy. Play with me?" he asks.

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