Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Sunlight streams through the windows, causing my eyes to flutter open.

I yawn and stretch. "Mm, Jacey. It's morning," I mumble, patting her side of the bed.

When I come up with nothing, I jolt upright and look around the room. Then, I smile.

She's probably just an early waker.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, about to stand up, when I notice a piece of paper folded neatly on the nightstand.

I reach over and pick it up, my eyes turning wide when I read it.

I thought you were different. You made me happy. You made me forget about my past.

I let you in.

And you destroyed me.

There's a reason I have my guards up, and this is why.

I hate you, Blake. I hate you for ever meeting me.

And I hate myself for ever falling for you.

I gulp as I read the note over and over again.

What the hell is she talking about?!

I look around for my phone and find it hidden in the covers. I quickly grab it to call Jacey.

But when I press the home button, I find the reason behind this note.

So close. You were so fucking close, and you blew it. Next time, you don't go slow enough for her to say no. Next time, you guys do it.


"Jacey, I know you're mad, but it's not what you think, just please answer! Please!"

The call beeps, signaling the end of the voicemail.

I curse and step on the accelerator harder, causing my car to break the speed limit by 10.

I call Jacey again, but am only greeted by an automatic message.

"The person you are trying to reach has a voice mailbox that is currently full. Please try again later."

I curse and throw my phone onto the seat next to me, knowing all of the voicemails are from me.

I turn on the radio in an attempt to calm myself down.

Then, I get an idea.

With my eyes still on the road, I grab my phone off the passenger seat and call Cindy.


"Hey, Cindy! It's me, Blake," I cry into the speaker a little too desperately.

"Uh, hey, Blake! What's up?" she asks, a little a confused. I don't blame her. I don't really call her...

"Do you happen to know where Jacey's parents are moving?" I ask.

"Yeah, Montana, why? Didn't she tell you?" she asks.

"Yeah, I just forgot," I lie.

Cindy pauses for a moment. "Wait," she says, her voice crackling through the speaker phone. "Aren't you and Jacey on a trip together right now? Why don't you just ask her!?"

I lick my lips nervously.

Shit! What do I say?!

"Uh..." I trail off.

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