Chapter 1

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Seacrest High. Also known as the hellhole I will be going to for the next few months. This is going to be fun; being the new girl always is (note the sarcasm there). But being the new girl is a routine for me, now. Because of my parents' job we move around a lot-a least twice in a year. I didn't mind as a kid, but getting older now I kind of wish I could just stay in one place and make some friends that I can actually keep. I haven't kept in touch with anyone from my past, and with some of them I really wish I had.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still really happy we moved here, because I mean, California! The place is a lot better compared to the boring place I used to live in: Iowa. Luckily we only stayed there for a couple of months. I've always wanted to live in Cali, so I'm hoping we stay here longer. Maybe then I can graduate with people I'm at least somewhat familiar with.

Taking one last look at the building with a deep sigh, I pray to myself that the first day will go well and finally step inside.  I see the main office straight ahead and smile while walking in, trying my best to seem happy. "Hi, I'm Jacey," I tell the secretary. She looks to be in her mid 40's and doesn't seem to like teenagers. She pushes her glasses up her nose and starts looking through some files, not even replying to my hello or even smiling in response. For a second, I was doubting she heard me. I was about to repeat myself when she spoke in a croaky voice.

"Here's your schedule." And with that, she turns back to her computer.

I raise an eyebrow and take the schedule she placed on the counter between us. Making sure to take my time to exit the office as I could feel the lady's scrutinizing eyes on me.

I walk down the hallway, trying to find the classroom to my first class: Chemistry. As I push through the crowds of kids I sense them staring at me. I just roll my eyes, used to the indiscreet stares and whispers directed at me. As I walk by some football players leaning against the lockers in their varsity jackets, they whistle at me. I flip them off without a second glance before coming to a stop at my Chemistry classroom. I take a deep breath before stepping in. The classroom is empty except for a few nerds reading books. I take my stuff and drop it in an empty seat.

"You can't sit there," a masculine voice says.

I whip around to see a guy with ocean blue eyes and beach blond hair standing a foot away from me, staring me down. His eyebrows are raised and he has a smirk on his face. He wears a varsity jacket identical to the ones of the guys' outside. Needless to say, he is a pretty gorgeous creature. But his attitude pisses me off.

"And why the hell not?" I spit back.

The boy's smirk just grows.


"Because that's my seat."

"I don't see your name on it."

"You don't know my name."

"Nor do I want to know."

This guy is making me sick. Just to rub it in, I sit down and make myself comfortable on "his" desk. However, instead of looking angry, as I thought he would, he seems amused. 

The guy leans in close and brings his mouth to my ear. "You shouldn't have done that," he whispers, his voice husky.

I roll my eyes. This is so pathetic. Like, am I in some kind of teen movie or something? "Yeah? Or else what?"

"Or else..." He puts his arms around my waist. I flinch at his touch, and before I realized what I was doing, blondy is sprawled on the floor. holding his nose. "Ah, fuck! I think you broke my nose!" 

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