Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


"Honey, we're moving."

I jump out of the armchair, not believing my ears. "WHAT!?" I shriek.

My mom stands and walks to me, patting my shoulder. "Jacey, calm down. Come on, sit," she tells me softly.

I glance at her before plopping down in my seat.

"You see, we got a transfer Montana," my dad explains.

I shake my head, my breathing heavy. "No, no way! We can't move! Not now!" I protest.

My mom looks at me confusedly. "Honey, you're used to this! We always move around! Why is it such a big deal this time?" she asks.

"Things are just going great with Blake! Mom, I'm not leaving him! Not now! Plus, what about all of my friends? I can't just leave them! This is my senior year!"

My dad shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but we have to go. It's our job, Jacey," he tells me.

I stand up. "No!" I reply angrily. I can't believe they're doing this to me! "I'm 18! I'm graduating in like 3 months! At least wait until after-"

"Jacey, we can't! Why don't you understand!?" my dad replies, his voice raising a little.

"Because I don't want to! I don't want to move! I don't want to leave California! I love it here! I have made so many great friends and I'm NOT leaving them!" I declare.

My dad stands. "Yeah, well too bad you don't have a choice!" he shouts.

I wince a little at the sound of his voice. My mom tries to calm him down at this.

"I'm 18. I can do whatever I want," I reply, my voice low.

My dad shrugs my mom off. "Not in my house. You live here, you live by the rules," he states.

I shake my head. "Not anymore." I push past my parents and grab my coat, walking out of the house.

"Jacey!" My mom hurries after me. "Jacey, stop. For my sake," she says.

I sigh and stop. "What," I snap.

My mom turns me around so that I'm facing her. "Jacey, you can't run away from home," she says.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not running away. I'm just staying over a friend's for the night," I reply.

My mom shakes her head. "And you think that's going to cool your father's anger? Look, Jacey, I totally agree with you. If we could wait until your graduation we would! Trust me! But we can't! This is urgent, and we need to go," she explains.

"Can't I just stay at a friend's until I graduate? Then I'd be going to college anyway," I try.

My mom smiles sadly. "You know we can't place that burden on any of your friends!"

I grab my mom's arms. "Mom, please. They won't mind! I'll even ask them! It'll be like a 4 month sleepover! Mom, please. Talk to Dad!" I plead.

My mom stares at me before sighing. "Alright, I'll try," she says.

My eyes widen in surprise that she actually agreed. "Eeeh! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mom! You're the best!" I squeal, hugging her tightly.

"Oh!" My mom laughs and hugs me back. "You're welcome!"


~2 Days Later~

I take a bite out of my apple and continue to spin on the bar chair in my kitchen.

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