Chapter 1 "Escape from Reality"

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Aphmau's P.O.V

It's another day here in Phoenix University.I'm here at class sitting by the window daydreaming.

Same boring day.You wake up,eat,study,sleep,repeat.I wanted something more than just my regular routine.I have this feeling inside that I need to break free.

I don't want to be the good girl type everyone thinks about me.I need free.
That phrase hit me hard.I know what to do...I'll skip class.

I grabbed my backpack and thought of a way to get pass the teacher.

"Um...Ms. Cruz can to
t-the r-r-restroom"

Stupid me,I stuttered.The teacher might think I'm crazy or something.

"Sure but be back!"

She allowed me! Hahaha! I hid my backpack behind me and quickly sprinted through the door.This is going to be fun.

I got my bike and strode all the way to
the boulevard. I parked my bike and sat before the waves...

"This is what I needed,an escape from reality.Somewhere where I can be myself." I whispered

The sound of waves splashing into shore made me want to sleep.I got my backpack and took my phone and earphones.

"I needed some music to go with this" I told myself.

I scanned through my music and played "Sad song" by We The Kings and closed my eyes.I thought about calm things.All felt right until...

"Hey Garroth! Throw that ball to me you coward! Haha!"

The boy's voice was a cute just like Jack Griffo's......not that I like him or anything!

"Laurence! There's a girl at your back! Stop!"

The other boy's voice was smooth and calm.Just like Ross Lynch's...what did he say about the girl at the other boy's back?

A ball landed right in front of my face. I was frustrated by this.

"Great Aphmau! You skip class to escape from reality then a hard stupid ball hits your face! Karma really is true!" I said to myself while standing up.

"My pardons Miss! My friend Laurence here should've been more careful in catching the ball!"

The Ross-Lynch-kind-of-guy said while helping me out.

" sure are cute"

He said while staring at me.He smiled.He has a beautiful smile.Gah! Wake up Aphmau! Now is not the time for flirting!

"Thanks and yes I'm fine...Well I would'be been fine if it wasn't for your ball! I skipped class for this!"
I said sarcastically.

I took my bag and walked away.I don't want to get involved in this.

"Miss! I'm so sorry!"

It's now the Jack Griffo-kind-of-guy approaching me.I stopped and turned around.Which was kind of weird because he smirked and checked me out.

"Wow...I like you"

I was shocked by what he said.My jaw literally dropped.He hit me with a ball and he has the guts to say that?

"Excuse me,but we just met.How can you say you like me?"

I was about to burst out until a drop of blood dropped at my hand.

"What??? I'm bleeding? The impact wasn't even that hard! Ugh! This is all your fault!"

I walked away and I was about to ride my bike until...

"Hey Beautiful! Stop right there!"

"What now? Ahhh!"

The Jack Griffo-kind-of-guy lifted me up and carried me wedding style.I was stunned.How dare he!

"Let me go!" I said while punching his arms.

The people are looking at us.Even though I used force it was no use.He brought me to a big car and let me sit there.

The Ross-Lynch-kind-of-guy was there too.He was startled I was there.

"Laurence! Why is she here? She's bleeding!''

Oh,so the Jack Griffo-kind-of-guy's name is Lawrence,great.

"Shut up Garroth! Keep your hands off her! She belongs to me."I bursted out and said.

"Excuse me I belong to no one and I am am sure that I-"

Garroth cut me out and said to the driver.

"Raven,hospital please!"

Great...I just escaped from school to have me-time and now I'm here in a car with two undeniably hot jerks and one even hit me in the head and now I'm bleeding.
*sigh* so much for an escape from reality.
Author's Note >_<
Eeeeeeeee!!!! This is my first chapter and I'm very proud.I laughed at Aphmau.She's helpless with these two undeniably hot hotties hahaha!!! Laurance is such a flirt! I love this! I'll think of what will happen at the hospital...hihihi!

Oh,The song played by Aphmau is just above.

&quot;Regrets&quot; a Garrmau FF •Under Extreme Editing•Where stories live. Discover now