Chapter 5 "Mysterious Senpai"

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???'s P.O.V

I went inside MC fashion agency.Garroth said to meet him there.He brought me to be his wingman or something.

I've known Garroth for a long time.Long enough to know his past....something he wouldn't talk about.'Cuz he just couldn't.

"Hi Miss.I need to see Garroth O'Khasis and Laurence Meteli please"

The lady in her mid-30's looked at me suspiciously.

"Mmhm! First answer this questions"



She took a paper and read what's on it.

"Are you a photographer?"


"Are you a licensed driver?"

"Yeah,I got my license when I-"

"Enough! Next question!
Are you close friend of theirs?"

"Yeah I've been friends with Garroth for like fore-"

"Okay,next question...are you gay?"

I was stunned by what she said.Do I look gay????

"Of course not! Does this handsome,hot,sexy face look gay to you!?!?"

I kept on ranting how I'm not gay 'till the lady got the guards to bring me to Garroth and Laurence.

As we went inside their room I motioned the guards to let me go....but they won't.

"Grrr...let me go!"

I said while waving my hands in the air like a spoiled child.They pushed me inside the room and closed the door.

I brushed my sleeves and positioned my clothes.Suddenly I saw Garroth with Laurence.Maybe their photo shoot is done.

"Garroth! Laurence! The King of the house is here!"

I said while doing my so-called-thug-dance.

We bro fisted for like,2 minutes then Laurence punched me in the shoulder gently.

"Dante! Mah Man! What are you doing here?"

"Obviously here to see my thug bros!!!"

We all did my so-called-thug-dance then all the staff looked at us like a bunch of hobos.

This is going to be fun.......

Kawaii-Chan's P.O.V

Me and my Senpais already arrived here at the mall.Aphmau-San said Garroth-Kun and Laurence-Kun will meet us at Starbucks.

We looked for a table and sat down.All of them were busy with their gadgets...Kawaii-Chan feels so left out!

"Umm...Aphmau~Senpai can I go to the restroom?"

Aphmau-San nodded and I went on my way.Whaaaaa???? The restroom is at the third floor???

Kawaii-Chan needs so much energy to reach the restroom! I sprinted to the elevator to catch up, but then...


Kawaii-Chan got hit by a....
My New Senpai!!!

I looked with awe at Mysterious Senpai.He looks handsome with his cute face,Blue hair,and...and...

"Are you okay Miss?"

(Play song above) (Meow!)

My senpai held my hand and helped me up.Causing me to blush hard.

'K-Kawaii-Ch-Chan is o-okay!"

I said while looking at the floor and stroking my pink hair.

"Oh,are you hurt???"

Senpai said while touching my face for him to see.Eeeee!!! Kawaii-Chan is blushing so hard right now!!!

I looked at him then suddenly Hugged him tight.

"Can you be my senpai?!?!"

I covered my mouth and my eyes widened.What did I just say???

"Senpai??? You...speak Japanese?"

I looked at the floor embarrassed.

"Yes...Kawaii-Chan loves everything Kawaii!!!"

I smiled at him and took my Kawaii panda hat "Pandie".

"See? It's so KAWAII!!!"

I said while hugging it.Senpai just laughed.

"It looks cute...I bet iit looks cuter on me!"

He snatched Pandie from me and put it above his head.

"Hey! Hihihihi! Give Pandie back!"

I reached for it but he just wouldn't give it.I grew frustrated so I did my pouty face and turned around.

"Hey...I'm's Pandie"

I smiled and turned around...
Our faces are inches apart...

We both blushed hard....This is getting awkward....

"Thanks Senpai!"

I said while snatching Pandie and avoiding his stare.


I looked at him and blushed.

"Kawaii-Chan has to go...Senpai...Goodbye!"

I just walked away awkwardly...though I really wanted to.....Gah! You just met him Kawaii-Chan!
Dante's P.O.V

The girl I just met was so cute.Her pink hair and Kawaii clothes go so well with her face.Especially Pandie,her hat....

If only I could meet her again...

Author's Note >_<

Well....I just made Dante x Kawaii-Chan happen!!! Yey! Well today I watched Ep.100.....I cried at the Garrmau part I mean, REALLY cry.I'll rant about this on the next page.Thanks for the support!

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