C16 "Date with Mr.Mysterious"

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Well,Back to school.I returned my books to my locer when suddenly loads of rose petals fell from it.It had a letter.I smiled,maybe it's from Garroth!

I took the letter and read it.

Dearest Aphmau,

Hey! Meet me at 8 p.m today at the rooftop.I'll be waiting.

P.S. Wear the clothes I left at your room. ;)

With Love,

Mr. Mysterious

I squealed! This got to be Garroth! I impatiently waited for school to be finished.


Yes! I ran up to the girls and told them everything.Only I was talking too fast because of excitement.


I left them confused.I heard Nicole say:

"That girl has problems"

I laughed and rode my bike all the way to the house.I greeted my family hurriedly and went upstairs.

I'm finally at the door!I squealed and opened it slowly.

Left on my bed is.....Ahh!!!! MY favorite color!!!!

Laid on the bed is a lilac tank top,denim shorts,high-cut converse and....another letter!

I excitedly opened it and read it in my mind.

Hey Aphmau!

Hope you like what I bought for you! Look your best! I'm waiting.....I love you!

With Love,


I blushed but then I wondered.Why didn't Garroth call me Aphie? Isn't that what we agreed upon? Anyway,no time for this! I got to get ready!

I took a shower and put on my outfit.I put on light make-up and curled my hair a little.Finally I smiled and took a selfie.Then I suddenly deleted it because I looked bad.I checked the time.

7:00 p.m.

While I wait for 7:30 p.m. I played my favorite game,LifeLine.

"Oh,a new message"

I opened the game and read the message:

Hello,Is anyone there? Can you read me?

Okay....I have two choices...

Who are you
I read you

Okay I pick.... Who are you?

Oh I'm Taylor.I-

Suddenly my IPad shut down.

"Nooooo!!!!! I've been waiting forever for this game!"

I shouted.Suddenly my mom,Ailee showed up.

"Anything wrong honey?"

She asked concerned. My eyes widened.I can't tell her! I'm too shy.......

"No mom.Nothing is wrong"

"Okay....I have cookies!"


I ran up to her and hugged her.

"I love you mom!"

I checked my watch.

7:30 p.m

I have to go! I took a bunch of cookies and said goodbye to my mom.

Finally!! I squealed in my mind.

I rode a cab to the school.When I went there,it's locked.

"Screw it! I want to have my date with Garroth!!!"

I shaked the gate back and forth.It won't budge.

"Why can't you- Screw it!"

I raised my hands up in defeat.I looked up the gate and a thought came to my mind.I could climb up the gate!

I tried climbing up but...I failed.I fell down and whined.

"Ugh!!! hmp!"

I tried once again...Yes! I finally made it!

"Oh Aphmau! Such a rebel!"

I said to myself while doing my signature sassy hairflip.I ran up the stairs to the rooftop door.

I took a deep breath and squealed a little.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I can do this!"

I was about to open the door but...

"No! I can't...I'm shy! But I have to!"

I walked back and forth.What the flip am I doing!!!

I finaly got the courage to open the door.I turned the knob slowly and blushed.

I get to see Garroth again!

I went inside and closed the door turning backwards.Suddenly a voice said:

"Hey Aphmau! Glad you came! I'm actually surprised .."

The voice wasn't like Garroth's at all.....*gasp* It's more like...

I turned around, shocked.



Author's Note >_<

Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah...I'm so stupid I know..hahahaha! Anyway,Thank you all for your support for this book! I saw many hate comments on Garroth on Chapter 15 hehehehe....Please don't hate him! He's my 애인! ( it's pronounced as aein,it means sweetheart) ~(*u*)~

Things will get better! I promise! Eeep! I should start shutting my mouth or I'll reveal more secrets of what would happen! Anyways!



P.S I dedicate this chapter to creeperbomb27 for being my first fan of this story! She inspired me to continue this! Check her out!

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