C25 "Tnx 4 D Par2y :)"

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Laurence's P.O.V

I hugged my sister so tight.I wouldn't want to let go.

I'm leaving after 2 days.What more could I do.

I felt her tears dripping on my jacket.The one that she bought.

"Hey,stop crying,you're drenching my jacket with your tears."

I joked.Apparently she took it seriouslyand punched me hard in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!?!"

"That was for caring for your jacket more than me! Screw you Laurence! I bought that one!"

I just laughed as she placed both her hands on her hips.

"Come on! I was just kidding!"

"Whatever Laurence! I might get that jacket back you jerk!"

I held my jacket tight.I don't want to lose it.

"I said "might" not "will" so stop freaking out Mr.Fattie!"

Mr.Fattie?!? How did she- Why- What?!?

I sighed. Garroth.

"Okay....Girly-girly princess!! Ha!"

"Screw you Laurence!"

Now she punched me in the face....that really hurt.

Defeated,I fell flat on the floor.She laughed and bent down.

"What? Still think I'm a girly-girly princess?"


"Good,now stand up!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.I touched my face and breathed a breath of relief.

My face wasn't damaged.I looked at Cadenza to see her raising one brow.


I asked.Totally confused why she has that look.

"Seriously Bruh? You care for the face? Unbelievable!"

"Come on Cadenza!"

She laughed and hugged me.I hugged her back.

"Even if we fight just remember.I still love you brother.You're the only family I have left."

Yes guys,It may be late but Hayden...died because of heart attack.It happened when I was still recovering from....heartbreak.

"I know...I won't let you go Cadenza."

''Same here"

We both pulled away from the hug and smiled.She took my hand and led me to Aphmau.Who was talking with her friends.

"Cadenza! Laurence! Done dancing?''

"Yeah...not to mention fighting too."

She laughed and smiled.That world-class smile....just...don't get distracted!

"That's my two Meteli siblings....It's late now...might as well go home?"

We all agreed and Aphmau went up the stage.Thanking everyone for coming.After around 40-60 minutes everyone went home.

Only me,Aphmau,Garroth,and Cadenza was left.I wonder where's Kawaii-Chan and Dante.

"Hey! Have any of you guys seen Dante? I haven't seen him since I arrived here..."

Cadenza said,while helping clean the the mess.

"He went someplace with Kawaii-chan. He can handle himself.He probably brought her to meet his sister"

Aphmau replied returning some of the decorations to the box.

Her long black hair was now tied in a messy bun.The sleeves on her shirt were rolled up and sweat was dripping from her face.

I could see she was having a hard time lifting the boxes up so I offered to help.

"Aphmau I can-"

"I'll help you Aphmau,don't worry.I'll get these"

Garroth said,cutting me.I just sighed and returned to what I am doing.He is the boyfriend. Whatever he's doing right now is legal. He has the right to be with Aphmau.To take care of her.

After cleaning up we bid goodbyes as Cadenza and I went home.As usual,she's driving the car.When I drive, you would wish you were never born.

"Laurence....Promise me you'll get over her?"

I paused on what Cadenza just said.Then I replied.

"I promise.I did move there to move on.... Right?"

'Yeah...I just don't want to see you hurt again.I missed you very much the past few weeks.It almost came to the time when I wanted to punch your face for being so weak to even move on but....I knew you needed time...so I left you alone."

I smiled and rubbed Cadenza's head.

"I love you my...girly-girly princess!!!"

"Want me to punch you again?"

I laughed and faced the road.


I said,popping the "p"

"Then I love you too"

We both headed home safely and separated to sleep in our rooms.

I checked the time.

1:30 a.m

Ugh! Why did I even planned to move to London in the first place?!?

I would clearly get homesick and have nostalgia there! Still,the papers are all there....I have to go.

I was about to go to sleep but I remembered something.

I took my phone and texted somebody.


Hey Aph! Tnx 4 D Par2y :)

Sent:1:31 a.m.
Author's Note >_<

Hey guys! HaikyuuLover716 here! I'm so proud because I updated 3 times today hahaha!!! Also...

Thank you for

4K reads!!!

I love you my CHIBBIES!!!



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