C44 "Meeting an Old Friend"

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Dante's POV

I need some rest....

As I drive home a thought came to my mind.

What is the person planning?

I checked the time in my watch as I waited for the traffic light to turn green.

12:00 a.m

It's marked the start of the

7 months 16 days thing....

Also Christmas is just around the corner. Next month,I think we should take a break. I want all of us to go to a Christmas vacation! Yeah....I think we should.

Just as the light turned green a car from the opposite side of the road headed towards my car.


I did my best to move the car out of the way but I can't.It's coming too fast. There's only one way to go...

I jumped out of the car just in time to see the other car collide with mine.

"What the..."


That voice.....could it be....no....

I thought I lost my connection with her.

I turned around to see my old friend....

Katelyn Dragofire (Dray-go-fire)

"Long time no see....

Dante Knightwalker"

"Katelyn...what are you doing here!?!"

I asked rather harshly. She just smiled and tilted her head, as if she's innocent.

"Nothing....just stopped by to check on an old friend"

She said while walking closer to me.


I spat out,getting ready to fight her. I beat her in hand-to-hand combat last time...but I don't think I can now.

"I'm sorry my car bumped into yours...It lost control"

She said sweetly. Still, I could feel the venom in her voice.

"Trying to act all innocent eh? I won't regret what you did to me and Master Drey!"

I said,angrily. She...

betrayed me.

"It's all in the past! Don't hold such a grudge at me. I work for Zane now"

What...how could she be with Zane.

"Zane? But why?"

"I just wanted to have some fun, that's all. Besides...I want to surpass Master Drey. He worked for Garte Ro'meave and died because he's stupid enough to bring you in! It's your fault he's dead Dante! If you hadn't gone there and befriended the son of that Monster he wouldn't have died!"

I looked down the floor and clenched my fists. I held back the tears I have inside.

"What? Crying because you can't accept that he died because of your doing! Master Drey's orders were clear!

Don't befriend a Ro'meave but what did you do! You know that Garte hates it when when a servant of his or a lowlife befriends a person of his blood!"

Katelyn said while clenching her fists.

"His death was all your fault!!!!"

She yelled at me. As soon as I looked at her I came in contact with her fist. She hit me hard in the cheek.

I fell on the ground with my head banging on the cold,rough, road. I stood up to see Katelyn shaking and a tear escapes her eye, but she doesn't feel affected by this.

"Katelyn...I'm so sor-"

"Shut your trap Knightwalker!"

She snapped at me. I stood up and saw from a distance tons of lights.

Huh, maybe someone called 911.

She faced me, her eyes filled with fury and rage. She pointed at me and shaked a little.

"I'm working for Zane to avenge Master Drey....

By helping me kill you! That's the way it should've been done! It should be you dying not him!"

Kill...me? She's planning to kill me? And with Zane's help? This is bad....

When Katelyn says something she means it.

She's a woman of her word.

"Pfft! Pathetic people who came to help you are approaching...I wish you well Dante....

Especially with that friend of yours!

Bye! >:3"

She said, ever so sweetly. She's hard to understand. She disappeared before the people could see her.

The people helped with that "car carsh" thing as they helped me go to the hospital.

Why would Katelyn do such a thing?

She wasn't the Katelyn I knew before...she's so...


Dante Knightwalker....

Never heard anyone say my last name over the past years. I never told anyone about it.

I want to keep my last name a secret. Since there's a past that comes with it..

I think I need to replay it again...
Konichiwa Reader-Chan!

Megan here! Yey! I made a new chapter! So..what do you guys think about Katelyn Dragofire ? Who do you think is Master Drey? Who is Dante? Why hasn't he told anyone his last name? What do you think is associated to Knightwalker?




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