C48 "Explaining"

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I just can't believe it. After all we've been through. He still managed to keep this from me. I felt sad and rejected at the same time. I wiped some of the remaining tears that fell and took a deep breath.

"It...will turn out fine Aphmau! What if she was just lying to make you guys break apart?" I said,talking to myself and making a turn.

But...what if she wasn't? Well...she did look like she wanted to make me jealous. I guess she's just desperate.

Finally, I arrived at our house. I took a deep breath and finally went out the car.

As I approached the wooden door I can't help but feel weak and sad. I felt tears threatening to fall down.

Stay strong Aphmau. You'll get thought this.

My inner voice told me. I opened the door slowly to reveal a tired-looking Garroth sitting on the couch.

His dull, teal-blue eyes lightened up when he saw me. He beamed and went up to me,expecting a hug.

"Aphmau! Where have you been? I'm so worried about yo-"

"Shut it Ro'meave!" I said,shoving him away.

Yeah, monster mode on.

He looked at me, confused as I sat down and placed my bag beside me.

"Sit." I ordered,gesturing to the seat in front of me.

"O-okay" He replied,sitting down.

What am I going to say? I feel like I can't do this. I think if I'm going to ask him I might break down moments later and just...run away.

"Garroth..." I started. I hesitated for a moment, but I continued.

"Am I...your first girlfriend?" I asked,not looking at him.

He froze in shock but gained composure later on. He hesitated for a moment before replying.

"No...." He replied,sadly.

I felt my while world crumbling down. I mean, I'm not sad that I'm not his first girlfriend. But the fact he kept this from me was making me sad.

He noticed my silence and decided to speak up.

"Aphmau...I'm sorry for not telling you this soon enough. I was planning to-"

"When!?!" I snapped.

"When do you plan to tell me? Two-Three years?" I yelled. Standing up.

Even I'm surprised about what I'm done. I've never raised my voice at him before but I'm too mad to care.

I just want the pain to stop...

"Aphmau,please calm down. I-" He said, standing up and gesturing for me to sit down.

"No! I won't calm down! I can't! I need you to tell me...." I trailed off. I was hesitant to continue but I already started.

Why should I back down now?

"Who's Lillian Violet?"

There. I said it.

I felt the weight on my shoulders lighten. I looked at him, to see him shocked. Probably about how I knew about her.

He just stood there frozen.

"Regrets" a Garrmau FF •Under Extreme Editing•Where stories live. Discover now