Chapter 2 "They don't even know my name"

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Gosh! Please no! I'm now sitting outside the doctor's clinic with Mr.Flirt-Laurence.Unfortunately he's at my side while Garroth is still talking with the doctor's secretary.

"Guess you're comfortable now that I'm here huh?"

Laurance said while smirking.

"Of course not! I would rather die than being with you!"

He's getting on my nerves.

" cute.Look, you still have a little cut right over...there"

He said while poking my forehead right beside the cut.

"Ow! Ugh you're so annoying!"

"Was that a compliment?"

He did his signature smirk again.If only I could rip it out of his face!

"Stubborn little...little...Ugh!"

I turned around and crossed my arms while doing my pouty face.

"Laurence, are you bothering her again?"

Garroth said while sitting beside me.

"No,we were having fun but then you interuppted."

"Hahaha! Define fun?"

Garroth raised his brow playfully at Laurence then turned to me.

"M'lady, the doctor is waiting for you inside so if you please,take my hand and I will lead you there"

He offered his hand to me and I gladly took it.I don't know why but I just had this feeling inside that I recognized him.I just can't put my finger on it.He lead me to the clinic and opened the door for me.

"Ladies first."

"You're quite a gentleman...but you're not my type"

I said while walking through.

"Ooooo! Burn! Guess you have feelings for me?"

Laurence said while placing his hand on Garroth's face.

"No,I don't have feelings for both of you.So after this, pay for the fee and drop me outside Phoenix University."

Both were stunned by what I said.I smirked and confronted the doctor.The secretary laughed at my straight-forwardness.

"I HAVE to get her"

Laurence said while going inside.

"Soo..Garroth,what have we got here? Is she you're new girlfriend?"

I was shocked by what the doctor said.Is she really here to treat my wound or play love-doctor?

"Actually I-"

Laurence cut Garrroth off by standing up and pushing his face.

"She is not his girlfriend.Actually she rejected him before he could even confess"

"Look who's talking,I'm not the only one rejected"

Garroth snapped back.

"Hahaha! Stop it you two! Now let's be serious. What happened?''

The doctor said while looking at me.

"Well I got a cut on my forehead,but I don't really know why because it was just a ball that hit me."

"I see,Garroth,why did you bring her here? I treat major wounds not minor ones.Anyway,here is some medicine and a bandage for that wound"

Garroth took it and handed it to Laurence.

"Come on Gayle! you're the only one I trust to treat her! You're my sister anyway"

"Shut up Garroth,fine, I won't let you pay this time because it's a minor wound, but next time please think before you react?"

"Okay,thanks Gayle! Bye!"

They lead me to the car and let me sit.Laurence took the medicine and started treating my wound.

"Thanks,now can you please drop me by Phoenix University?"

"Anything for you,Ms.Beautiful"

"Stop calling me that"

"Why? It's true!"

I smiled at his reaction.Then I punched his arm playfully.

"For a stubborn flirt like you,you really crack me up with your reactions"

He smiled.

"M'lady,we are now here at Phoenix University"

The driver said while looking at me.I looked at Garroth.He somewhat didn't notice because he was listening to music with his headphones on.

"Hey Garroth,I'm going now"

I said while punching his arm.

"What? already?"

"I have to,bye!"

I jumped out of the car and turned to them.

"Hey,even though you guys made my escape little miserable.You made my day special in some way.Thank you"

I turned around and walked away.


Laurence called out.I smiled then turned around.


"We didn't catch your name!"

Garroth said while waving.I smirked.

"It's for you to find out."

"I'll find you Ms.Beautiful! I promise!"

I turned around and smiled.Then I heard a camera click.

"Got you! Great shot!"

I went inside the campus.Those guys brightened up my day.Something inside me felt like I want to see them again. I Like them but not in a romantic way!


Author's note >_<

Squeee!!! Yes I finally finished this chapter! I'm sorry it's short, I only have limited time! I promise Chapter three is going to be long! Just one day and I already have 14 reads! It may seem small but I'm still thankful.I sprained my ankle while playing volleyball.Good thing our score was high.25-18 25-22.Please pray for my ankle! It's very swollen!

P.S if you want more chapters please vote and comment for more! Or follow me for updates!

Thankiesss! Byeeee!
Oh,this chapter's themesong is right above.

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