C50 "Misinformed"

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"Lillian?" I asked,looking up.

I didn't expect to meet her here this time of the day. It's late. Besides, it's not like I have time to talk to her anyway. I'm too angry at the moment.

She nodded her head and smiled.
"Hey Garroth! Long time no see huh?" She said, innocently.

I smiled weakly and looked out the window, ignoring her. Seriously, I don't have time for this. She can appear and disappear in any time in my life for all I care. Even if we didn't see each other for years the scar she left on me is still there.

"Oh, ignoring me huh?" She said, sitting down in front of me.

"Look, I know that you're still angry for what happened before. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that." She said,sadly. I took a sip from my latte and faced her.

"Yeah, you should've not done that." I snapped. She sighed audibly and took a sip from her coffee.

"I'm serious...sorry..."

I rolled my eyes and finished off my latte. She came here to say sorry? As if that could help.

"Okay. But that doesn't mean we could be friends. I loved you, you know? I trusted you, you broke it. I can't accept it right away" I said. Not meeting her gaze.

She broke me. In the worst way possible. While we were together she cheated on me with Zane. I mean, it could be anybody else! Why does it have to be my brother? It just... It's so frustrating and sad at the same time.

"It's okay..." She stated. I nodded my head and stood up to walk to the park.

"Wait." She grabbed my wrist. I turned to look at her.

Her eyes still had that spark.

"What?" I asked monotonously. She looked at the ground and bit her lower lip. As if she's hesistating to say it.

You're flirting skills aren't working on me, stupid.

I rolled my eyes and as I was about to pull my wrist away she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Can I...go with you?"
Third Person's POV

As Aphmau and Laurence were sleeping on the bed,unknowingly wrapping each other's arms on each other, a black figure appeared.

It climbed the tree beside Aphmau's room and looled throught the window.

The figure gasped as it saw the two sleeping peacefully close to each other. It let out a small laugh and took out it's phone.

"This was way too easy than we thought. We thought it would take 7 months and 16 days but this was way more faster than expected" The figure said as it took a picture.

It took another one and zoomed it in to clearly see that it was Aphmau and Laurence.

It snirked as it tucked the phone inside it's pocket.

"This was way too easy" It said,while climbing down the tree and running away.

In the other hand, Garroth went out of the coffee shop with someone. Namely,Lillian Violet.

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"Thanks for letting me go with you Garroth!" Lillian exclaimed,happily.

"Regrets" a Garrmau FF •Under Extreme Editing•Where stories live. Discover now