C29 "Letting Go"

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Cadenza's POV

(Play song)

I watched the plane as it flies away from my sight and disappear into the night sky.

I just feel so helpless without him.I shaked and moments later,cried silently.


I turned around to see Aphmau,her eyes swelling because of tears.

I just hugged her and cried into her shoulder. Drenching her shirt with my tears.She didn't mind though, she knows exactly how I feel right now.

"Aphmau....I feel so helpless without him! Why does he have to leave me here!!! It....It hurts so much..."

"Cadenza...in this world things come and go.Not everything in this world can last for a lifetime.So if someone leaves...it might be an opportunity for you to do things and face the problems of life independently."

What....but.... but....I felt mixed emotions as I quickly pulled away from the hug.

I wasn't angry at Aphmau.I was angry because Laurence promised me we would face this world together!

But....this time...it's not about me...it's about him....his feelings so... Maybe....Aphmau is trying to tell me to let it go and focus on what's ahead...

"You're right...I-I have to focus on what's ahead and not look back on the past....Thank you"

She just gave me a warm smile and hugged me quickly.

"I'm glad you understand.I-I'm gonna m-miss Laurence t-too very m-much"

I noticed tears streaming down her face....She must've really missed my brother.... Does she..love him?

"Uh...Aphmau...do you...love Laurence"

Whut did I just say? She seems startled at first but then she smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Yes... I do,but not much as I love Garroth.I loved him as if he was my brother.I feel bad that it's my fault he moved to London...it's because I broke his heart and told him that we need space from each other.."


Whut?!?! Uh....now is not the time to get angry on Aphmau...this can benifit my brother anyway.In...ways

"It's okay really.This can benefit Laurence...in some ways."

She smiled at me warmly and patted me on the back.


I heard Dante call as he went up to me.He hugged me and let go.

"You...ready to go home?"

I took one last glance outside and smiled.

"Yeah....Let's go"

As we drove home the only person I could think of is Laurence.How is he? Has he arrived?

I'm over thinking too much.Finally I reached home and they bid their goodbyes.

I opened the door and went inside.

It feels so different without him...

I went up to the stairs and passed by his room.I went inside and turned on the lights.

I glanced on his bed only to notice a letter.

To:My Princess Cadenza

From:Your way-hotter-than-you-brother,Laurence


He made a letter

I opened it and read the letter aloud...

*Continuation after the Author's Note*

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