C25 "Should I Go?"

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Laurence's P.O.V

(Play Song)

This is it.......The day before I go....I don't want to go!

I have to.....for myself....To forget about Aphmau.

I'm still here in my bed,not wanting to get up.I took the sheets and covered it over my head.

If only this was just a dream, then I would wake up and live my regular life.Posing for the camera at MC Model Agency.Drinking my favorite shake.


I opened my eyes to see Cadenza holding a tray of my breakfast,I think.

"Cadenza.....Come in"

She sighed and placed the tray on my bedside.I sat upright when she sat beside me.

"Are you...alright? You seem a bit down?"

"It's just.....I'm really gonna miss you guys....especially you,Cadenza"

She smiled and hugged me.She placed her hand on my shoulder and laughed.

"Come on! Look at the bright side! This would be a great opportunity for us and...well,you.So that you can move on from.....Aphmau.Right?"


She gave me a weak smile and took the tray.

"Here,it's...for you.It's filled with your favorite foods.Since...well,you're going...tomorrow."

My heart broke a little when she said I was leaving tomorrow in a sad tone.I looked at what she prepared for me.

Banana shake,bacon,eggs,fried rice,oranges and bananas.She's......the most awesome sister I ever had.Well,she is my only sister,hehehehe.

"Thank you Cadenza.....so much"

She smiled and stood up.

"Pleasure's mine...I gotta go....maybe you need some time alone....to..I don't know.Rethink  things if you can?"


She went out the door and closed it.Leaving me alone in my room with my thoughts.I looked down my food and started eating.

I took out my phone and started scrolling for new messages.I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw...


No Prob! You're going..tomorrow right? Do you have to go? I'll miss you very much :(

I placed my phone down with a thump.I sighed and tried finishing my food.Moments later,only the shake is left so I'm now here drinking it up.

"Should I go? I don't want to but...I think it's best for me and...Aphmau.I won't get in their way,with their whole love story and such.I might find someone in London for me..."

(Psstt!! Pro_Fangirl_Club_CEO maybe it's you! Hahahahahaha! XD)

I drank the last continents of my shake and thought hard.....

Should I go?

Maybe I should

But I don't want to!

Argh! Deciding is so hard!!!

Moments later I finally made up my mind....

I picked up my Phone and started texting Aphmau.


Yes,I'm going.....gotta start packing up...See ya at the airport tomorrow. Bye! :)

I felt tears streaming down my face.But I quickly wiped them off and got myself together.

I took my  Globe Trotter's James Bond Special Edition Luggage Set and packed up all my stuff.

So my question before was 

"Should I go?"

Well,my answer is...

 "Yes.....I have to."


Author's Note >_<

Hey Guys! HaikyuuLover716 here! I'm sure you guys are sad about Laurence leaving but still,he will come back,sometime.I promise :) Anyway,I know this is a short Chappie but I'm pretty sure the next one will be really long ;) Comment your thoughts about the chapter below! Anyway!



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