Chapter 11 "This night"

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Is this all a dream?

I've only known him for 2 days but I felt like I've known him forever.

Now,he's officially my boyfriend.

But.... Are we doing the right thing? Is keeping our relationship from our friends bad?

Garroth must've noticed my expression.

"Aphmau,is something bothering you?"

He asked,concerned. I smiled a weak smile and sighed.
"Is what we're doing...right Garroth?"

Being the most sweet,understanding person I know for the last 48 hours.

He looked straight into my brown hazel eyes with a stern look.

He let go of me and let me face him.

"Aphmau... "

He held both my cheeks with his warm hands.

"Don't worry about anything,I can handle this.For now,I want you to just focus on me,focus on what's happening now.Don't dare worry about our relationship.It will only make you doubt on it."

I smiled as he kissed my forehead.This, this is the reason I love this guy.His calm,sweet,understanding personality just kicks me up.

He smiled and faced the roof of the cab.

"Now....what do you want me to call you?"

What? He can just call me by my name.

"You can just call me Aphmau"


He faced me and did his pouty face.His eyes looked like he was going to cry.He's a model,be can do any face.

"Why do you want to call me names?"

I asked,giggling.He pulled me close, and whispered in my ear.

"I just want others to know that you're mine. And no one would can take you away from me.Only I could call you that"

I laughed at his sweetness.

"For a shy guy like you,you're very possessive...and I like it that way....Fine,you can call me names!"

He smiled and did his thinking face.




"Pfftt! Nuh-Uh"


"What am I,Food?"

We both laughed hysterically.

"Okay, how about.....Aphie"

" that! I like"

He hugged me tight.

"Okay what about my name?"

I thought hard.


"I'm a grown man!"


"No,it would sound like a deer's name"

"Regrets" a Garrmau FF •Under Extreme Editing•Where stories live. Discover now