C32 "All Styled up"

982 21 23

Aphmau's POV

(Play Song)

Today is the day......we're going to the boulevard! Yey!

He must've been wondering why the boulevard...

Well....Let's find out later.It's 4:00 p.m right now and...I need to clean up.

This will be the Best Date we ever had....^_^

I opened my closet and took out the lilac dress I bought for this occasion.Then I took out my lilac heels and wore them.

(Time to describe the dress with my horrible describing brain!!!)

The dress had a ribbon in the waistline.Then on the top it had folded fabrics folded inside and out.Then at the bottom it had the colors magenta,violet,and lilac on it spreader freely....I just love my dress.

(If you can't get the description the dress is above >_<)

I put it on along with my lilac heels and sat down in my dresser.

I took out my make up kit and put on some light eye-shadow, put on some pink lipstick,curled my eyelashes and put masskara on them.

Finally I fixed my hair into a messy bun and put some accessories. Then...for the final touch,I put some dangling earrings with a small pearl.

I checked myself in the mirror and....smiled.

"Today is the day you're gonna take Garroth out on a day...in the place where you first met"

Good thing I told the others about this.Glad they're going to help me.I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

Finally I called Kawaii-chan and the girls to pick me up....

This is going to be fun...
Garroth's POV

"Garroth!!! Garroth wake up!!!"

Who in the world is knocking my door this early.

"It's too early! Go away! ACH!"

How I hate my morning voice.It's raspy and tired and I hate it.

"Are you kidding me? It's 2:30 p.m! Wake up! Open the door or I'll tear it down?"

I just snuggled into my pillow.Not minding the threats of the mysterious man...

"Then do it"

"You asked for it!"

I just chuckled and returned to my sleep...

Wait,2:30....I have to meet Aphmau by 6! I have to prepare!

I got out of bed and opened the door.My eyes slightly open.

"Oh come insi- What the Flip!"


Dante charged for the door with a....chair? Wait...that's my chair from the balcony.

He ran past me just in time I opened the door.


It was too late....he bumped his head in the wall...and got a big bump!

"Hahahahahaha!!! Loser!!! Charging through my door with a chair.Lel lel lel lel lel!"

"I hate you.."

He mumbled while standing up.I went up to him and asked him why he was here.

"Well,we have to get ready for your date with Aphmau so go wash up!"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

He smirked and pointed at the shower.

"Said the boy who's still in his boxer shorts.Go! You stink!''


I stepped into the shower and started washing myself up.

Moments later I went out my hair dripping on my shoulder.

"Dante what ti- Wow''

I stared at my bed with awe as a black tuxedo was plastered neatly on it.It had a blue and white striped tie too.Maybe the date is really important.......

I changed into my tuxedo and wiped my wet hair.I searched the room for Dante but still,


I went to the kitchen and saw....Dante

He's raiding my fridge and taking all the mangoes he could find! He's probably making his mango shake again.

"What? I'm hungry."

I rolled my eyes and left him there.Whatever Dante,do your thing.

I fixed my hair in a formal manner and smiled at my reflection at the mirror.

"Handsome as ever huh?"

I said to myself while straightening my tuxedo.

"But still doesn't work out"


Dante said while passing by me and drinking his mango shake.I rolled my eyes and sat beside him.Turning on the TV.

"What happened to your hair?"

He said while messing it up.He rubbed it so bad my hair turned into a messy styled sandy blonde hair.Courtesy of Dante.

"Cut it off Dante! I look like a freak now!"

"It's better that way stupid!"

"Ha Funny"

I said sarcastically.I took my watch and checked the time.

5:00 p.m

"Let's go Dante....I don't want to be late"

I took him by the hand as we walked outside.I closed the door behind me and threw my keys in the air,causing it to spin.Then I caught it.

"Heh,Show off"

Dante said while putting his hands on his pocket.I chuckled and unlocked the car.I closed the door as I went inside and took a deep breath.

"Time to see my Aphie Kittie"

"Seriously? Aphie Kittie?"

I raised one of my eyebrows and faced Dante.

"Shut up Dante you ruined my moment there."

Finally I started the car and headed our way.


Hey guys! HaikyuuLover716 here! I'm soooo happy right now because we won a game in Volleyball! Still....I'm sad because of the bad news thing....BUT I WILL STILL UPDATE I PROMISE YOU THAT!!!


Thank you for 8K reads!!! Love you all!!!

#InANonCreepyWay XDDD



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