Chapter 7 "I wanna see you smile"

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Cadenza's P.O.V

"What! Why now? I'm the middle of our competition!"

I whined as my adoptive brother,Laurence, asked me if I could accompany him is his so-called meeting with the love of his life.

"Come on Cadenza! Please! Dante is here with me.Although, he's accompanying Garroth."

My eyes twinkled.Dante's there,I can't wait to see my best friend! Although,I like him....but I'm not head over heels about it.

"Dante? Sure! I would love to see my best friend again! Still,I don't want you to start teasing me again just like last time! Okay?"

He laughed.My crazy brother laughed.Guess he still remembered what happened.

"Hahahaha! Sure,whatever you say,Cadenza"

I growled.If only I could punch him....


I said without emotion.I returned my phone in my pocket and told our coach I have a family thing I have to attend to.Good thing he said Yes.

I ran to my motorcycle and went home to change my clothes.I went inside my walk in closet and took my denim shorts,a violet tank top, and my sneakers.

I took a quick shower,changed,and put up my hair into a high ponytail.I put on a light-smelling perfume and went on my way.

As I drove to the mall a thought went to my mind:

Does Dante know I like him?

Gah! Stop it Cadenza! You're just best friends remember? Nothing else!
Aphmau's P.O.V

".......and that's Kawaii-Chan"

I'm happy Garroth and Laurence agreed to meet my friends.If they wouldn't,as of now,I would've been at Zoey's door begging them to forgive me.

"Hey Laurence!"

A girl in denim shorts,a violet tank top,sneakers and orange hair tied up into a high ponytail came and sat beside Laurence.I wonder who is she.

"Cadenza! What are you doing here?"

Dante must've known her for a long time,because they hugged.

"Dante! My brother! I missed you!"

Laurence snickered.We're all confused on what's happening.Garroth punched Laurence in the arm and mouthed the words:

Introduce her to them!

"Oh yeah,*ahem* Guys this is sister"

Whaaaaaa???? He has a sister?
Cadenza laughed and placed her arm on Laurence's shoulder.

"We're not really siblings. He's my adoptive brother"

I just sat there with my face like Whatttt!?!?! Adoptive?

Garroth cleared his throat and explained everything to us.Eventually Laurence was an orphan and was adopted by Cadenza's father,Hayden.Altough they are not of the same blood Laurence still takes good care of Cadenza.

"I'm also Dante's best friend"

She said while sitting down next to him.I saw Kawaii-Chan glaring? At who? Cadenza? Why would she?

Cadenza looked at me and smiled widely.

"Hey are you Aphmau?"

I nodded and replied yes.She smirked at Laurence and faced me.

" you're my brother's love of his life huh? Last night I heard him calling your name and hugging his pillow while he's asleep."

Everyone tried to hold back their laughs,but Garroth and Dante can't.They bursted out laughing while Laurence punched them gently and gritted his teeth.

"Sh-She's lying! I-I didn't s-say th-that!"

He stammered and face-palmed.Cadenza sure is having a good time.I cleared my throat and said where are we going next.

"I heard this new carnival is coming to town later. I think we can hang out there"

Emmalyn suggested.We all agreed.

"For now maybe we can go to the movies or something?"

Zoey asked.Suddenly an idea came into my mind.

"We can go to a KTV restaurant?"

I asked shyly.I don't know if they would agree.Suddenly Garroth smiled.

"Sure,I'll ask Raven to drive.Let's go!"

We all stood up and went outside Starbucks.Suddenly I lost balance and tripped.


I closed my eyes and waited for the impact..... Nothing happened.I felt someone holding me.Holding me in a tight grasp as if it would never let me go.


I could feel his warmth as he held me.His unique eyes,sandy blonde hair.Everything about him is just perfect.Gah! Snap out of it Aphmau!

"Thanks for catching me"

I said as I let go of his grasp.He blushed.How cute he looks.

"I-It's o-okay Aphmau.L-Let's go."

I walked to the car and sat by the window. I looked at Garroth,he's still blushing.

"Where are we going Sir Garroth?"

Raven said.He looked in his mid-30's I guess?

"At MC KTV please"

Garroth said with a smile.

His smile....why do you make me feel so giddy Garroth?!?!

Author's Note >_<

Hey Guys! Mheygzzie716 here and this is now chapter sevennn! I didn't even expect to get this far! Thank you!!! So much!!! You guys keep me going! About our game.We won again! 25-9 25-13.

I'm sorry but maybe I cannot post chapters from Tuesday-Thursday because it's our exams.Still,On Friday I'm gonna post 2 chapters for you guys.To make it up to you.


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