C29 Continuation

878 19 28

Still Cadenza's POV


My dear Cadenza,

Hey....maybe by now you're home and I m gone but...please,don't cry.It hurts me if you do..Don't worry about me.I'll be doing fine there in London.

I promise to call you as soon as I get there.I'll send you pictures of my school,my condo,even my friends.

But my friends there would never EVER replace my friends here in New York.I'll always think of you.

Not a day will pass by when I won't think about you... I'm gonna miss you...very much.

Do your best okay? Listen to Dante and Garroth! I left them in charge with you okay?

I'll visit there someday.... When I have enough money.

I love you.....

My Princess.

With Love and Hotness,

Tears are streaming down my face now....

I love him so much.

I took the letter and went to my room.When I lay down my phone rang...

*Stupid Brother is calling*

Yes.....He arrived...and he did what he promised.To call me when he got there....

I clicked answer and heard his voice again.

*Hi Garbage-Can-Barbie-Doll...*

I take back what I said...I don't miss him anymore....

Hey guys! HaikyuuLover716 here!!! How's the new chapter?!! Also...thanks for all your support on this book!!! Also I madew the continuation because at first,this part in my phone is not full but in the laptop it is so....

I love you guys!!





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