C17 "Soap"

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Laurence's P.O.V.

I feel so...scared about doing this.After that fight with Garroth...I don't think I can do this.

I checked the time


I took a deep breath and said to myself.

"You can do this Laurence! Just tell what is in your heart from the moment you met her and..eventually,maybe that could change her mind"

I sighed.It's no use! This whole set up is no use! I'll get rejected anyway..like I've always been.

I looked at the candle-lit table and our food.It....looks great,I guess.

I just really want to show her that I truly love her,that I would never hurt her,nor leave her side.I would stick through her in thick or thin.I would never regret loving her.

Suddenly the door opened.She's here!

"Hey Aphmau! Glad you came! I'm actually suprised.."

I gulped.I'm very scared.I feel I'm sweating bullets here!

She stopped a little.She turned around,shocked.Was she expecting Garroth? Well...I don't blame her.I've always been the love triangle in people's love stories.People think I'm always messing with their stories when all I want is someone to love me.

(Play song above)


"Hi Aphmau...I'm Mr. Mysterious hahaha! Suprise!"

I said faking the laugh.I could see she bit her lip.Probably wanting to ditch this date.She was expecting Garroth....I knew it.

"Is something wrong?"

"I was...uh...expecting Garroth..I'm sorry"

I looked at the floor.The way she spoke it was breaking me apart.Every word piercing me.I just.....No! Laurence! Don't cry! Don't show her how soft you are!

"Oh...heh...want to...eat?"

She looked at me and smiled,probably faking it.I led her to the table and pulled out the chair for her.

She sat down quietly and looked at her food.I sat down and smiled at her.

"So...is this a date?"

She asked,still looking at her food.Her eyes showed no emotion.Was this a mistake inviting her? I feel like I'm being crushed to a million pieces.

"It....depends if you consider it as a date..."

"Oh...Laurence can I ask you a question"

My heart is racing.This is getting really tense and awkward.I'm shaking,very fast.

"Sure....what is it?"

"Why did you invite me to this date? Do you want to tell me something?"

She got me.She got me right in the trap.There's no turning back now.I have to tell her.

"Um...yeah...Do you...love Garroth"

She looked at me,suprised.She must be really surprised because she dropped her fork.

"I...I'll get it"

She said,picking up her fork.Please,please don't dodge this Aphmau! I need answers.

"Aphmau,please answer my question...."

She looked at me with sadness and guilt in her eyes.Every minute I spend with her makes me feel like I'm being stabbed with a thousand knives.She makes me.....love her even more despite the heartbreaks.

Am I so stupid to still continue chasing her even if she's breaking me apart? I don't think so.As I said,I'll always be by her side no matter what.


"Don't fool me with your games Aphmau,tell me"

I have to stay strong even though she's tearing me apart.

"Laurence...*sigh* yes,I love Garroth,more than you can imagine"

I love Garroth.... The very moment she said that words it broke down my guard.I...I can't stay strong anymore.I can't hold back what I feel!

Next thing I saw was a tear dropping at my newly-bought pants.Stupid! You should've not risked yourself to be hurt out there!

"Why him? Not me..."

I could see her coming up to me.She us trying to hold back tears too.


Tears stroll down her face.I guess this is too tense for her to handle.I looked at her and stood up.

Next thing I knew,she was hugging me.It was nothing romantic really,she's just trying to cheer me up.

"Laurence,someday someone will love you the same way you love me.Even more than you can imagine."

I hugged her tightly.I let my emotions flow.

"Why can't it be you! Why does it have to be someone else!"

Now I'm kneeling down at her and holding her feet.

"I love you Aphmau! I would never leave your side! Why do I always have to be the love triangle in people's love stories! It's not fair! It's not... "

She covered her mouth and cried.


This chapter has like 891 words so I have to cut it.

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