C31 "Secret"

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Aphmau's POV

"Aww that was so cute!!! What's her name again?"

I asked.Cadenza was just telling us about the girl Laurence met.She seems cute.Silver hair and Violet eyes....I want to meet her! Still,she's at London but maybe sometime Laurence will have a video chat with us with her....right?

"Sasha Shadow! Search her in FayshBuk! Bye! I have to sleep!"

"I still have my pie eating contest so..bye!"

Dante and Cadenza logged off.Leaving me and Garroth.

"Guess it's only you and me?"

Garroth exclaimed while flashing his heart melting smile.I smirked and stuck out my tongue at him.

"Nope! I have to sleep too! But I love you Danger.... More than you can imagine....Goodnight..."

"Me too Aphie....Goodnight"

Then he logged off.
I opened my Fayshbuk and typed her name and immediately clicked on her profile....

*Sasha Shadow is now friends with Laurence Meteli*

Wow! That was fast.....I wonder what happened to them...

(Why they became friends? Check it out on the side story "Unlikely Friends)

But I have to sleep......

3 months and I'm graduating Senior High...

It seems so fast....

So much has happened since I first met Garroth and Laurence...

As I said.They changed my life....

Improved it actually....

I'm happy on the couple me and Garroth has become too.

We've been through so much and no matter what hardships one of us would face...we stood by each other....

Like he said: "We'll get through this together...."

Sometimes I even wonder if I deserve someone like him.He's totally out of my league and out of his many fangirls....he chose me.

The girl who got mad at him when we first met.The girl who's sassed him.The girl who.....

He loves the most.....

Well....I better sleep now...and study hard.I'm graduating in 3 months......

Gotta give my best!

Garroth's POV

"Me too Aphie,Goodnight"

Then I logged off.It feels so great hearing her smooth,calm voice.

I miss Laurence.... Sasha Shadow...

I'mma search that on Fayshbuk.

I searched up the name Saha Shadow and clicked on her profile.....

*Sasha Shadow is now friends with Laurence Meteli*

What.Just.Happened. I thought Laurence hated Sasha.

Anyway Aphmau is online.I'll go talk to her.


GarMeow:3 - Hi Beautiful! Watcha doing? I thought you're going to sleep?

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