C37 "What!"

779 17 27

Cadenza's POV

"7 months and 16 days...what does that mean?"

I asked as Garroth sat down.Me,Dante,Aphmau and Kawaii-chan are here because someone left Garroth with some....threat.

"I-I don't know what it does mean! I just called the number and....it just said....that."

"Maybe...it means something"

"What do you mean Dante?"

I asked while Dante stood up.He looks like he's proving something.

"What if the person means that Garroth's days are....marked?"

"What do you mean marked!"

Aphmau said while standing up.The rest of us were just surprised by what Dante said.

"Are you implying something?"

Garroth asked while standing up.Dante looked at him,fear in eyes,and headed straight for the calendar.

"What if.....hmm...."

He looked at the calendar closely and took a marker.What on earth is he planning?!?!

"If today is November 15.....if we skip it by 7 months and 16 days the date would be..."

Dante flipped the calendar pages.....December.....January.....February.......March.....April......May......June.

"The date would be.....June 21"

"What are you talking about Dante~Senpai?"

Kawaii-Chan asked while standing up.

"This is nonsense! Are you saying June 21 is Garroth's death day?"

I asked.Dante just stared at the calendar and bowed down his head.

"I-I'm not sure....but that day should mean something.....like a happening or a tragic day or....."

I'm not sure what Dante is saying.

"You know.....let's talk about this later.I-I need some rest...."

Garroth said while entering his room.Me and the others just stared at each other,speechless.

"I-I'll go after Garroth...."

Aphmau said while entering the room too.I stared at Dante as he is staring at the calendar.He seems so...focused on it.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow.I'll...go now..."

I said while standing up.I was about to walk to the door but then my phone rang.

Stupid Brother is calling....


I took my phone and clicked "answer"

"Cadenza!! Cadenza!"

"Ugh! Laurence you don't have to shout! Can.you call later? I have to settle something first Kay?"

I was about to end the call but...

"I'm going home there tomorrow!"

I furrowed my brows at what he said...

"What do you mean you're going home?"

I asked.He's just been there in London for 4 months and he's coning back? What on earth is he thinking?

"I have bad news and I have to tell you guys personally! Someone is planning to do something bad to you guys so I have to go home there ASAP!!!"

Planning to do something......What does it want from us.We....we haven't been involved in any conflicts among our friends...what is he talking about?!?!

"Laurence can you please explain now-"

"Noo! I'll tell you guys as soon as I get there! Tell the others! Goodbye!"



I lowered my phone down and stared at the door mindlessly.

What is he talking about?

Is Laurence going crazy?

Doeas someone want to....kill us?

"What did Laurence say Cadenza?"

Dante asked while coming near me.

"He-he I-I Ahhh!!!!"

I dropped to the floor and covered my face.

What is happening right now!!!

Why is this so messed up!!!


Kawaii-chan said while running towards me.Dante shaked me but...I just kneeled there...helpless.

"Cadenza! Listen to me!!"

Despite what Dante was saying I just kept recalling what Laurence said.

"Planning to do something bad to you guys...."

"Someone is planning to do something bad to us....in other words....in my opinion.....they're planning to ruin our lives..."

Dante stopped shaking me and let go from his grip on my shoulder.

Author's Note >_<

Hey guys! HaikyuuLover716 here!! Sorry I ahven't been updating for a while.I'm stuck up watching Attack on Titan.It's so addicting!!! Still,how did you think of this chapter??? Please tell me what you think! I like reading da comments! XD




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