C18 "Like Old Times"

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Laurence's P.O.V

*Two weeks after the "C17" incident*

I concentrated on my application sheet for a scholarshipt to Victory University.Yes,I'm...moving.I need to get my mind off of things.I also don't want to be in the way of Garroth and my lo- I mean,Aphmau's relationship.


I turned my head to see Garroth coming inside.I looked at him for a second and returned to my application sheet.We...haven't been talking for...I don't know,days,weeks? It doesn't matter,if I pass this test I'm going to London and I'm going to study there! I'll prove to them I'm not a relationship ruiner,I have goals,rather than getting in the way of love.

I'm Bitter..I don't care! I shaked as Garroth went closer and closer to me.

"I'll prove all of you wrong!"

I shouted as I slammed my fist on my bed.Did I just say that out loud? I turned to Garroth to see him shocked.

"Garroth..uh.I'm sorry..for the outrage I mean,not for the other thing"

Garroth stopped for a second and looked straight into my eyes.His teal-blue eyes ,seemingly controlling me with every look.

"Laurence....are you..sure about moving to London?"

I sat upright and looked at him sternly.Not this again!

"How many times to I have to tell you that I have made my decision!"

He looked at me and put on a weak smile.He than laughed and ruffled my hair....like old times.

"Okay,okay.Geez! you make everything sound serious! Have some fun while you're still here with us..your bros!"

Bros!?! How could he have the nerve to-....I sighed.I'm done with it okay? I won't go back to the heartbroken Laurence type.I'm done.

"Heh,okay..I will...brother"

(Play song)

I smiled at him as Garroth took my application sheet.Then he stood up and headed for the door.

"Hey Garroth come back here! You might ruin it!"

"Well,come catch me!"

I laughed as I chased him around the house.It feels so fun to be back.For the atmosphere to be like this...like old times.

"Garroth! You're so fast! SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!"

We suddenly stopped by the couch.Him on the other side and me on the opposite side.

"I'm not fast,it's just that your fats are slowing you down! Look at you!"

I gasped at what he said.Fats?!? I work out every Thursday! I don't have fats!

"WHA- FATS?!? Screw you Garroth! Are you insulting me? I work out every Thursday! You hardly even work out at all!"

I said shaking,FYI GARROTH!!! He shooked his head and laughed.

"At least I'm in good shape."

He took one step forward and looked at me.What is he going to say again?!?

"Oh,and yeah,I'm insulting you..SCREW YOU! HAHAHAHA!!!"

He said that very sentence and started running around like a maniac.I laughed and chased him.

"That's IT!!!"

I chased him until we went outside the house.WHAT THE FLIP!

"Garroth WHAT THE FLIP! Come back!"

He ran and ran as I chased and chased.Ugh! I feel like I'm growing wrinkles from the heat of the sun.We ran until we reached Dante's house.

Dante's House?!? I thought he won't be here 'till next week? Garroth stuck out his tongue out to me before coming inside.

I finally reached Dante's door and took a deep breath.

"I'm coming in Garroth!"

I heard murmurs and laughing before I went inside.What is inside anyway?


I went inside to find the house...dark.

"Garroth where are you-"

Suddenly the lights turned on and I saw everyone I'm close with inside.


Garroth exclaimed with a party hat on his head.

"You look ridiclous...and stop calling me Fattie!"


He said while putting a party hat on my head.Might as well go with the flow blah blah whatever they say.

"Thank you Garroth...for being there with me...even if I got in the way of you and Aphmau's realtionship"

He laughed while Dante gave him a drink.


"I would never leave you,even though we fought last time,it only made me think that my life is not complete without my best bros! Now come here!"

He pulled me and Dante in a tight hug.It's our TOTALLY-NOT-GIRLY-BRO-HUG.

"HAHA! Now let's enjoy this goodbye-have-a-safe-trip-Laurence-the-fattie-make-sure-you-work-out-there-in-London-party....Like old times.Well I gotta go! Bye! Enjoy yourselves!"

I smiled as Dante handed me a drink.He smiled at me and looked at Kawaii-Chan ,who signaled that she will talk to him.

"Well,I gotta go too,Kawaii-Chan's calling me.Enjoy this moment will ya? Bye!"

I smiled at what my brothers prepared for me....I just recapped what Garroth said:

"Like old times"

I looked at my now empty cup and smiled.

"Yeah...like old times"


Author's Note >_<

Hey guys! Haikyuu!!Lover716 here! What do you think about this new chapter? Well It's late now and I gotta sleep.Updates might have a delay due to schedule but..no worries! Mom is thinking about cutting the internet by the end of October..which means I CAN"T UPDATE OFTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My family is thinking on putting this story on hold..but I won't! I've already started! T_T HUHUHUHU!!! That's enough for today! *sob* *Sob*

Thankieeesss!!! *sob*

Byeeeeeeee!!! *sob*

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