C49 "Confused Hearts"

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Most messed up chapter I made ahead!!

I'm sorry

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"Aphmau....Aphmau wake up!" The voice seemed to belong to a boy.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar brown-haired boy. It's light blue eyes looking down on me.

"Laurence?" I asked, shooting up.
Why is he here....oh wait.

I remembered everything that happened. The fight, Garroth, Laurence... What have I gotten myself into?

The memories came to me like a flood. My eyes started to tear up as I cover my mouth.

"Laurence..." I suddenly cried into his chest as tears uncontrollably streamed down from my eyes.

"Hush....don't cry Aphmau. I'm here." He cooed. I continued crying into him as he stroked my hair. He held unto me as I was the most delicate thing he has ever touched.

How...could this happen? We fought...what if things will get awkward between us? I don't want that to happen! It's just..no.

"W-we fought, Laurence...I-I feel so broken right now...I just
n-need someone t-to comfort me" I managed to say between sobs.

He hugged me tight and continued stroking my hair. I've never felt so secure in my whole life. Well, I have, with Garroth but...it seems so...


"Now...tell me everything that happened" He demanded. I smiled weakly and tried to wipe off thr tears from my eyes.

Well, it's a long story.

What...did we just fought? The thoughts in my mind were driving me crazy.

I thought of something and got off my bed. I took my wallet and a jacket from my wardrobe.

I...need a break.

I was about to get out until someone barged in.

"Laurence?" I asked, confused.

Oh, I get it.

"Move. I'm here for Aphmau. I mean, come on man! What did you do to her this time?" He shouted. It made my ears ring a little.

"Gosh man. Cut the volume will ya? She called for you? Let her explain that. I'm jist stressed out right now" I said monotonously.

"What the Flip man? You're acting as if that meant nothing? You could've said sorry to her at least. She's very hurt Garroth! I could even tell she's very sad by the tone of her voice." He said, obviously pissed.

I just walked pass him as if he wasn't even there. I don't have time to deal with this thing.

I need to cool off...

I drove to the nearest coffee shop and went inside. I ordered a latte and sat down on one of the chairs.

I think I need more lattes. I need something to get this thing off my mind. Just a-

"Garroth? Is that really you?" A familiar feminine voice asked. I looked up to see someone I didn't expect to see here.

Her black hair and beautiful eyes. I recognized her all too well.

"Regrets" a Garrmau FF •Under Extreme Editing•Where stories live. Discover now