C38 "Arrival"

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"Have you told the Laurence guy and Garroth about the 7 months and 16 days thing?"

"Yeah,but I don't think they will take it seriously"

"They should....because at the end of 7 months and 16 days...they will witness something...

They never thought will happen"

Laurence's POV

I'm running....trying to catch up in the next possible flight to New York.

I can't let those guys hurt my friends!

As I ran and bump people I could remember what the person said to me...

"Sasha leave me alone!"

I slammed the door against her face.I am just so angry about her leaving me all alone at school when she told me she would come back.


I slumped down the door and sighed.Running my hands in my brown hair.

Why should she do that....

*ring* *ring*

My phone is ringing.Should I answer it? Maybe I should.

"How many times do I have to tell yo-"

"7 months and 16 days"

The voice isn't Sasha's.What the flip does he mean by that!

"You must've got the wrong number"

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Laurcence Meteli is on the other line."

How did he get my

"What do you want?!!"

I asked harshly.

"Tell your friends we're coming for them.Especially your best friend,Garroth and that pest girlfriend of his!"

"Regrets" a Garrmau FF •Under Extreme Editing•Where stories live. Discover now