Chapter Eight

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"C'mon, Nyasia. Stop being scared. Let's try something new. You might like it," Nekhi tried to convince his girlfriend. But Nyasia really wasn't trying to hear it. Nekhi was definitely buggin', if he seriously thought that Ny was about to agree to a threesome.

"Nekhi, why the fuck would you think that I'd say yes to a threesome?" Ny asked him. She was laying on top of his chest, looking into his face, really searching for an answer. Khi sighed. "Honestly, baby. I'ma keep it real... Our sex life has not been poppin' as of late, I'm just trynna spice shit back up. Because it's been very wack and I haven't been enjoying it," Nekhi told her, being brutally honest.

Nyasia was immediately offended. She rose up, lifting her head off of Nekhi's chest. "Excuse me?" she asked, her face twisted up in disbelief. Did this nigga really just say that? Nyasia was already an insecure girl, and what Nekhi had just said to her didn't help her at all. So, it had come to this? She was unsatisfying her man so much so, that he was suggesting a third party during sex? Nyasia felt humiliated.

Nekhi tried to grab Ny again, but she snatched away from him and hopped off of their bed. She felt very salty. "Chill, Nyasia. You don't gotta get mad," Nekhi said, trying to calm her down. "How could you say that to me, Nekhi?" Nyasia asked him. She shook her head, very hurt, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. "I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings," Nekhi protested, weakly. "Too late for that!" Ny shouted at him.

Sighing, Nekhi got up from the bed and tried to make it for the door. He had to get out of there, because he didn't do drama and he felt like Ny was being very dramatic at the moment. Nyasia blocked his way. "Where you going?" she asked him. "To the studio," he responded. It's always the fucking studio, Ny thought to herself. She took her fist and punched Nekhi in his chest as hard as she could, now screaming and crying.

"Who the fuck is at the studio, Nekhi? Why are you always at the fucking studio?!" she shrieked, punching him some more. Nyasia's yelling woke Wynter up and the baby could be heard crying in the room across the hall. "Look what you did! Acting all crazy and now look! You woke up my baby!" Nekhi barked. "Fuck you, that's my baby! You don't care about Wynter, because you keep hurting her mother!" Ny argued back.

Nekhi took Nyasia and physically moved her out of the way. Opening the bedroom door, he made his way towards the front. Nyasia stomped after him, picking up everything that she could find and throwing it at Nekhi's back. "I hate you, Khi! I swear to God, I fucking hate you!" Nyasia screamed at the top of her lungs, as she threw a flip flop at Nekhi.

It hit him on his left shoulder and bounced right back off. Nekhi kept walking. He reached the front door and Nyasia threw a wig brush at his back. It hit him right before he could walk out. "Fuck you and fuck that studio! I hope you die in there!" Nyasia shouted, as Nekhi ignored her and slammed the door shut behind him. When he was gone, Ny backed up against the wall behind her and slid down, tears streaming down her face. A threesome, she thought. I can't believe he asked me for a fucking threesome.
"Well, maybe you should consider it," Tommoi said on the other end of the line. Nyasia had called her best friend later on that day, just to see what her stance was on the situation. She was surprised to hear that Tommoi didn't think that a threesome was such a bad idea. What the hell was up with Tommoi these days?

"Would you give O-Lok a threesome if ya'll was still together?" Nyasia asked. She heard Tommoi suck her teeth on the other end of the line. "Don't even bring up Omar," she said. She then relayed the whole story to Nyasia about how Lok had came into her house and yoked her up, asking her all about the baby.

"I can't believe Nekhi said something when I had asked him not to!" Nyasia exclaimed in irritation. Nekhi seemed to just be on a roll with his sickening ass ways. Moi sighed. "I know. But it is what it is. I should've never even told Khi. Of course he was gonna eventually tell Omar, I'm surprised that he hadn't told him sooner. It had just slipped out that day when Omar got arrested. I was so emotional at the time," Tommoi explained.

Nyasia shook her head, listening to Tommoi. She still couldn't believe all of the shit that had gone down in the last year. It was all too much and she sometimes still had trouble accepting certain things. Like Quameek's death.

That had actually hurt her very badly when the boy had died. In the short period of time that she had been looking out for him, Ny had grown to really love and care about him. She had always wanted a younger brother or sister. Nyasia really felt that is Quameek had been able to make it to Pennsylvania, things would've been so much better for him.

He could've had a new start, gone to a new school, been in a new environment - a better environment. A whole new change of scenery was exactly what Meek had really needed. But instead, he had fallen as a product of his surroundings. All because he didn't have any real guidance and Nyasia felt all the way responsible. She blamed herself every day, even though she knew she shouldn't have felt responsible. Ny then thought about Kennedy.

"You'll never believe who I ran into the other day at Walmart," Ny spoke to Tommoi. It took Tommoi a moment to respond and it was sounding like she was taking a pull from some weed or something. Nyasia frowned as she waited for Moi to reply. "Who did you see?" Tommoi asked, as she sucked in a breath. Is this bitch smoking? Nyasia wondered.

"I saw Kennedy," Ny answered slowly. She was now curious about Tommoi and what she was up to, rather than talking about Kennedy. "Kennedy?" Tommoi asked. She sounded mad. Nyasia knew that Tommoi had never forgiven Kennedy for that fight that they had had the year before. "Yes. I saw Kennedy," she replied.

"What the fuck is she doing out there?" Tommoi asked, suddenly getting riled up. "She said she lives out here, too," Ny responded. "Since when?" Tommoi queried. "Hell if know!" Nyasia exclaimed. She hadn't spoken to the girl in months. One would never guess that at one point in time; Nyasia, Tommoi and Kennedy had been the best of friends.

"But nevermind that, Tommoi. Are you smoking?" Ny questioned. Tommoi paused for a minute. "Yes," she finally answered. "Wow. Now you smoke," Nyasia said. She remembered when Tommoi would turn her nose up at her and Kenny a few years back, when they had used to smoke weed from time to time.

Tommoi sucked her teeth. "Don't even do that, Nyasia. I be stressed out," Tommoi defended herself. "Stressed out over what?" Nyasia just had to know. Because if anyone knew about stress, it was surely her. Her medical records even said so.

"Just... Everything. I still miss my mother. I'm wondering if giving up my daughter had been the right thing to do. Omar practically threatened me to get her back and I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to do that. It's just a lot, Nyasia," Tommoi confided to her friend, as she took another pull from the blunt she was smoking.

Nyasia shook her head, with her face in her palm. She really felt for her friend. She had to admit though, that she had always thought that Moi had been trippin' when she'd given the baby up for adoption. But as the saying went: to each his own. It was just funny how the tables had turned. Just last year, Ny had been on the phone with Tommoi all the time, crying to her about her problems with Khi. Now look where they were at.

All Nyasia knew, was that as much as Wynter's bad ass got on her nerves, she would have never given her baby up. Never. Especially not to no white family the way that Tommoi had done. Nyasia loved her baby too damned much. She didn't even understand how Tommoi was able to hold her baby in her arms after pushing her out, but then hand her over right after.

Nyasia remembered that her first time holding Wynter, she had thought to herself how perfect her baby was. And how much she loved her. Nyasia had thought about how she would do anything for Wynter. And how she would hurt anyone who even tried to bring harm to her baby. Ny didn't know that in all due time, she would have to show a certain hating assed bitch just how much she meant that.

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