Chapter Thirteen

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"... and you can bet that I be's the baddest/ My pussy is the fattest/ Ass stay switchin', so ya nigga wanna grab it/ Bitches stay hating, 'cause they all wanna be me/ They never seen a bitch with a weave so fleeky/ I tell these hoes "It's Malaysian bitch"/ Pull up on scene, I'm hotter than some cajun bitch..." Crystal rapped into the recording mic, giving her all.

When she was done, she looked over at Nekhi, to see his reaction. He gave her a thumbs up, smiling wider than ever. Crystal was hype. She lived to please Nekhi. Crystal took off the studio beats and made her way to the bathroom, her head held high. Her ego was on swole.

As she headed to the bathroom, Crystal anticipated the upcoming weekend, when she would be babysitting Nekhi's daughter. Crystal had finally warmed up to the idea of watching Wynter. In fact, she was actually looking forward to it. In her head, she figured that she would have to get used to the child anyway, because one day she would become Wynter's stepmother.

Crystal had decided that Wynter wasn't the problem. Nyasia was. She was the one who was in Crystal's way. Besides, Crystal wanted to practice having a baby, because she planned to have one of her own with Nekhi real son. She smiled to herself as she thought about the plans she had made for herself and Wynter that weekend. They were going to have so much fun!

Crystal planned to take Wynter out to the mall and buy her any and everything that she saw fit. Crystal was gonna keep the clothes she purchased for Wynter at her house for whenever the child came over. She would take the baby out for ice cream and maybe go to the movies.

Crystal even thought about getting pictures taken with Wynter. Crystal especially couldn't wait for the people she knew would stop her, just to gawk at how cute Wynter was. And when they asked "Is she yours?", Crystal planned to respond "Yes," with a big, proud smile.
After putting in hours of work at the studio, Crystal and Nekhi piled into his car and prepared to drive the long way back to her house. "You hungry?" Khi asked her. When she replied that she was, Nekhi pulled into "Popeyes" and they got some food to go.

Once they were back on the road, Crystal cleared her throat. "Nekhi, would you be with me if you didn't already have a girl?" she asked Nekhi. Khi took his eyes of the road for a split second, looking at Crystal, his mouth full of biscuits. He took his time to chew and swallowed before responding.

"Maybe," he finally replied. Crystal wasn't satisfied with that answer. "Maybe? What the fuck is maybe?" she wanted to know. Nekhi sucked his teeth. "Come on man, Crystal. Damn. I said maybe. That's what it is," he said back, aggravated. She sensed that she was getting on his nerve, but she didn't care. Crystal was truly getting tired of being the side bitch. She felt that she deserved more than that. She was always the sidebitch.

It had started way back in high school, when she had been in tenth grade. She had been heads over heals in love with an upperclassmen nigga by the name of Shakeem. She had let him take her virginity and everything, but he had always treated her like the ultimate side bitch - even though Crystal was consistently trying to just love him.

She had done everything that Shakeem had asked her to do. With no hesitation. Crystal thought that she was being a rider. But sadly no. Not to Shakeem. In his eyes, Crystal was nothing but a piece of pussy. The fucked up part about it all, was that Shakeem treated her like a sidebitch, but didn't even have a main bitch. Straight disrespectful. But Crystal had sworn up and down that it was love.

When enough had became enough, she finally stopped fucking with Shakeem. Only to move on to Jaquan and it ended up being the same shit. After Jaquan, it was Shaquille. And after Shaquille, it was Kendrick. Pretty soon, it had become a damned cycle. And Crystal was tired of it. She was ready to be somebody's wife and that somebody was gonna be Nekhi.
Crystal waited until she heard the water running in her bathroom, signaling that Nekhi was taking shower. When she finally heard that shit come on, she got to work. Crystal jumped up from her place on the bed and tiptoed over to the opposite side of the room, where Khi had left his clothes on the rocking chair in the corner

Crystal rummaged through the pockets of Nekhi's jeans, searching for his wallet. She knew that it was there somewhere. Nekhi always kept his wallet in his pants. When she finally found the wallet, she withdrew it from his pocket and opened it up, taking a peak inside.

Crystal saw Nekhi's bands, straight twenties and bigger. Khi didn't carry small bills and Crystal knew this. But Crystal looked past the cash. Nekhi's money wasn't at all what she was searching for. She would never steal from Nekhi. Besides, she didn't have to. Crystal was perfectly aware of the fact that if she ever needed it, Khi would give it to her. He had done so before. No, what Crystal was looking for was something much more meaningful.

Zipping open the inside compartment of the wallet, Crystal smiled when she found what she was looking for. Bingo. A gold Magnum condom. She knew for a fact that Khi would be using it on her tonight. Grinning to herself because she had hit the jackpot, Crystal removed the condom out of the wallet and made her way over to her dresser.

Picking up a needle from her needle and thread kit, Crystal poked a small hole into the condom. She made sure that the needle came all the way out, from the other side of the condom package, before pulling the needle back out. Still not satisfied, Crystal poked three more holes into the condom, just for good measures. She'd never done this before, so she just wanted to be sure that she was doing it right. She figured that she was.

With her tongue sticking out, the way a hoodrat did when she was hype about something, Crystal sneakily tiptoed back over to Nekhi's jeans. She placed the condom back where she found it in the wallet and crept back over to bed. She had great timing, because as soon as she got back into her bed, she heard the shower shut off and a couple seconds later the bathroom door opened.

"Aight, girl. I hope you ready for this dick," Nekhi called out to her. On the inside, Crystal was bubbling over with excitement. "Yeah, baby. I'm ready," she called back, sweetly. Yeah, she thought to herself. Ready to get pregnant.

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