Chapter Thirty Four

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As O-Lok took it upon himself to bring Tommoi to safety, miles away; Crystal sat up in bed, rubbing her belly. She wasn't yet showing and she had no idea what the sex of her baby was, but she was still hype about her pregnancy. Even though Nekhi didn't want to be apart of her baby's life, Crystal still planned to be the best mother that she could be. She would love her baby and try to take care of him or her to the best of her abilities. Maybe a baby was exactly what she needed.

Crystal figured that her child would have no choice but to love her unconditionally. And that's what she needed and wanted to feel. Unconditional love. She would be the only person that her son or daughter needed. And they wouldn't have to want for anything.

She silently hoped for a son, though. Because maybe, just maybe, she would finally experience how it felt to have a man love her. Crystal had never felt love from a man. Ever. And that was probably why she was so crazy and desperate over niggas.

Her father had left her mother at a young age and he hadn't checked for Crystal very much at all. As a result, Crystal became very insecure, sad and delusional when it came to men. She knew absolutely nothing about them.

But she was very tired of feeling the way that she did. Like she wasn't good enough to have love or she didn't deserve it. So, yes. She was praying very hard for a son. Crystal could only hope that Nekhi would come around and decide to be in their child's life, but if he didn't - that was okay.

Crystal just planned to put his ass on child support. Because at the end of the day, this baby belonged to him, too. No matter how she had conceived it. Nekhi was trippin' if he honestly thought that she was about to get rid of her baby. She was done with that stage of her life.

Crystal had had so many abortions for niggas. Nobody seemed to want to have a baby with her or start a life with her. She was fed up with that shit. Fed up. Crystal was gonna be a mother. With or without a father for the baby. Looking at the clock, Crystal saw that it was 9:00 pm. She still had time to record a song that she had just written.
"Aight, go," Meech said to Crystal. They were in Nekhi's studio, because Meech had the key. Meech knew that he was wrong because Nekhi had specifically told everyone that nobody was to let Crystal in. But Crystal had called Meech up, begging and almost crying for him to assist her to the studio. She had claimed that she had written some piece of work that just had to be recorded. So now, here they were.

"And as the days go by, I'm more excited to meet you/ I never question why, the Lord let me conceive you/ You growing in my womb, got me feeling kinda blue/ But I put up with morning sicknesses, because I already love you/ You came into my life in just the nick of time/ Your presence was motivation to help me write this rhyme/ And Mommy gon' always be here, even though your daddy was slime/ Your daddy was slime, even though my heart aches, baby you'll always be mine/ I said your daddy was slime and even when my heart breaks, you know you'll always be mine."

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