Chapter Twenty One

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Jo drove his car with Fury in the passengers seat, as they made their way to New York. Jo was talking a mile a minute, but Fury seemed to barely be listening. His mind seemed to be far, far away and he was all up in his phone. Texting. Jo noticed this. He stopped his thought mid sentence and took his eye off the road for a split second. He looked at Fury.

"Who the fuck you texting, my nigga? Whoever the bitch is, she surely got all your attention," Jo commented. With an almost guilty expression on his face, Fury locked the screen of his iPhone and placed it in his jacket pocket. "Nah, man. It's nobody," he replied, casually.

But Jo was no fool. He knew Fury was texting somebody. And he had a feeling that he knew who that somebody was. With a smirk, Jo said "You probably texting Tawana." Tawana was Fury's ex and Jo knew that Fury sometimes still fucked with her from time to time. He didn't really know the extent to which Fury's feelings were for her, but Jo figured it had to be some, because he kept fucking with her. Even after she had cheated on him.

Jo personally thought that Fury was crazy for that. He could never imagine himself continuing to fuck with someone that had cheated on him. First of all, that person would no longer walk the face of the earth if they did so. Jo would kill them. With no hesitation.
"Come on, Josiah. Seriously. She doesn't wanna be with you," Shaniece said to Jo, as he paced her bedroom back and forth. He had just confided in her, about the situation with Kennedy and he was already regretting it. Shaniece wasn't no help. She was probably just loving this news.

"She ain't got no choice but to be with me, Shaniece! That's my wife," Jo said. Shaniece snorted. "Some marriage. Built on lies and deception. That girl has no idea who you are, Josiah. None whatsoever. What does she know about you?" Shaniece asked. Jo didn't respond. "What does she know about you?" Shaniece asked, again. She was getting upset.

In her eyes, both Jo and Kennedy were just dumb. She had no idea that Jo had been abusing his wife, but what she did know was that Kennedy could not have known the real Jo. Because if she had, there was no way in hell that she would've agreed to marry him. Nobody in their right mind would ever try to love Jo, because Jo wasn't a lovable person. Well, the person he had turned into was not. And the only reason why Shaniece loved Jo, was because she had known and loved him long before he had become just "Jo". She had always known and loved Josiah. And she just wished that he would come back.

When Jo didn't respond a second time, Shaniece started going in. "Does she know about your chilhood, Josiah? About how you grew up without a dime? And you got made fun of because you wore the same outfit every single day? Does she know that you went to bed hungry each night? Huh? Does she know? Does she know about your parents? How your father was a psychopath? How he used to beat on your mother? Beat on her so bad that she left! Does she know how you killed your father?" Shaniece yelled, furiously.

Shaniece was angry and in her own emotions. She felt like things could all just be so simple. But Jo just wanted it to be difficult. He loved difficult. Shaniece felt like it was obvious to see that they were the ones who were supposed to be together. And be married. Why had Jo made such a drastic decision to get married on her? She would've said yes without hesitation if he'd asked her, instead of some random female.
Shaniece knew that Jo was still hurt deep down inside because she had left him years ago. But her leaving him did not mean that she didn't still love him. Why else would she have still been single? Shaniece hadn't even bothered looking in the direction of someone new, because she was waiting for Jo. Waiting for him to get right and come to his senses. She wanted to be a family and their son needed his father.

Shaniece had only been trying to teach him a lesson by leaving Jo. Show him that it was time to grow up. Do better and be better. But apparently, Jo didn't get it. He had missed that lesson.

Now angry himself, because of all the painful memories that she had brought back, Jo snatched Shaniece up by her throat. "Don't you ever mention any of that again!" he growled, his finger pointed in her face. But Shaniece wasn't done. She had to break Jo. He was a monster and she could sense that he was only getting worse and worse as the days went by. As the seconds went by. Shaniece would regret the words that she chose to say next. A tear slid down her eye as she said it. "Does she know that your father used to molest you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Gritting his teeth angrily, Jo took his hands and squeezed Shaniece's throat with excessive force, applying hard, hard pressure. When it looked like she was about to pass out, he let go of her throat and then took her by the face. With his huge hands, he dragged her backwards, still with a tight grip on her face. Shaniece kicked and yelled, taking her nails and scratching at Jo's hand as he dragged her. But it made no difference.

Making his way over to her dresser, Jo took his ex and bashed her head into the mirror. Glass broke and shattered all over the place. Shaniece screamed in pain as pieces of glass cut her all over her face and her chest.

Jo was not done. He then took Shaniece and began beating her to a bloody pulp. Punching her over and over and over again, as if she were a man. All in her stomach. All in her head. She fell to the floor in a heap, not moving. Jo continued his attack, kicking her and stomping her out. It wasn't until he got tired, sweat pouring down his face, that Jo finally stopped to check if she was breathing. She was not.

Realizing what he had done, Jo cursed himself. "Fuck!" he yelled, kicking Shaniece in her head one last time out of frustration. Looking around the room at the mess he had created, Jo shook his head. Broken glass scattered everywhere, things from Shaniece's dresser had flown all over the place. And there was blood. Lots and lots of blood.

Turning around, Jo found his son standing very still in the doorway. The look on Massiah's face was nothing short of mortified. He looked from his mother to his father, with so much question in his eyes. Massiah had just watched his father kill his mother and the little boy didn't know what to think. Jo stepped forward. "Come on, Siah. We gotta go now," he said to his kid, holding out his hand. Terrified, but not knowing what else to do and scared to defy his father, little Massiah took his dad's hand. The two of them left.

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