Chapter Fourteen

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As usual, Jo was mad. He paced back and forth in his crib, wanting to murder somebody. He hadn't heard from Kennedy in two days and this time he knew for sure that she had left him. Jo knew she hadn't been kidnapped like before, when he thought she had left him. "I'm going to kill her!" Jo thundered out loud.

Jo's phone rang, on the living room coffee table and he snatched it up. Looking at the screen, hoping to see Kennedy's number - he was disappointed to see that it was not. Instead it was his son's mother, Shaniece, calling. Jo picked up. "What's up?" he answered the phone, his tone tight.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why you answering the phone like that?" Shaniece asked, immediately in her feelings. She was still in love with Jo, even though she tried harder than a motherfucker to hide it. "I'm pissed off," Jo let his ex know. Shaniece sucked her teeth. "When aren't you pissed off, Josiah? What's the problem now?" Shaniece asked.

Jo hesitated. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Shaniece what was going on. He knew that she wasn't particularly fond of Kennedy, anyway. And truth be told, Jo half blamed Shaniece for where he and Kennedy was at in the first place.

Shaniece had been petty, telling Kennedy where and when his trial would be held last year. Knowing full and well that he hadn't wanted Kennedy to be there. And when Kennedy had found out about Jo's son, shit between the two of them had never been the same. Their marriage had started off so perfect and Jo was furious that it wasn't going the way he wanted it to.

"It's nothing," Jo replied to Shaniece, muttering. "Well, when are you coming to New York? Siah misses his father," Shaniece told Jo. "Who else misses Siah's father?" Jo asked, arrogantly. He knew that Shaniece still loved him, even though she tried to front about it. Shaniece gave a sarcastic chortle. "Jo, please. Knock it off. Here's Siah. He wants to talk to you," she said.

Jo waited for his son to get on the line. "Hey, Dad!" the little boy said, sounding excited. He was. Siah loved his father and he looked up to him. Jo was his hero and he one day hoped to be just like him. The sound of his son's voice instantly lifted Jo's spirits. "Wassup, little man," he replied. Even though Jo knew he wasn't the best father, he did love his son more than words could ever explain. That was why Jo was so serious about his money.

He knew that he could never be one of those father's that did the fishing and bonding thing. Shit, his father had never done it (all his father had ever been good for was beating on his moms) So, that's why he made sure that his son had any and everything that he could ever need or want. Financially, there was nobody greater than Jo. But Jo didn't see that his son was still suffering. A emotional bond with his father is what the child truly needed and was already craving at his tender, young age.

In Jo's mind, he had it planned out that when Massiah hit a certain age, he would show him the ropes of the game. Jo knew he wouldn't be here on Earth forever, but he wanted to make sure that when he finally did leave - his legacy would carry on. Jo couldn't wait until Siah turned at least twelve or thirteen.

"How's school? You being good?" Jo asked his son. Massiah began to divulge to his dad about his times tables that he was learning in school, but Jo was only half listening. His mind drifted off to Kennedy. Where the fuck is this bitch? He thought to himself.

Jo couldn't wait to find her so that he could knock some sense into her ass. She was so fucking hardheaded. But he loved her so fucking much. Jo loved Kennedy so much that it scared him. He could never have her leave him. Ever. He'd already had two women that he loved leave him. Shaniece and his mother. Jo couldn't have that shit happen again.

When Jo had said "til death do us part" the day he married Kennedy, he had meant it. And Kennedy was sadly mistaken if she thought she could just leave Jo. No. The only way she would be allowed to leave him, was in a body bag.

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