Chapter Twelve

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O-Lok sat with Static in his car, as they drove to Woodbury. O-Lok still hadn't gotten the chance to go shopping since he had been home and he decided that he needed to go buy some today.

Lok noticed that Static was a little quiet, so he asked him what was wrong. "You aight, my nigga? You real quiet," he observed. Static shook his head. "Lok, man. I gotta tell you something and I don't know how you gonna take it," Static said.

O-Lok raised an eyebrow, immediately curious to hear whatever it was that his boy had to tell him. "Speak ya mind, bro," he said, patiently. Taking a deep breath, Static began spilling the beans. "It's Tommoi, my nigga. She's trippin'. I started selling her bud a while back. She had started smoking, but I ain't think nothing of it. The other day, she called me and told me to come over. I'm thinking she wanted some more bud. This girl asked me to sell her coke bro," Static informed O-Lok.

O-Lok felt his heart drop. "What?!" he exclaimed in disbelief. Static had to be lying. He just had to be. "Well, did you sell it to her?" O-Lok inquired. "Hell no!" Static said back, offended that his mans would even ask him something like that. "Why you just telling me this shit man?!" O-Lok then thundered. What the fuck was up with his friends keeping shit from him about Tommoi? First Khi and now Static. Lok was becoming angry. He was tired of motherfuckers taking their sweet time to tell him shit.

"Because! I don't know, I wasn't thinking!" Static said back. Static was a quiet dude, he didn't really like too much mix up and getting in the middle of shit. Tommoi didn't realize how much of an awkward predicament she had put him in, by asking him to sell her coke.

"Well, you need to start fuckin' thinking," O-Lok replied. He was normally level headed as well (that's why he and Static were so close), especially between Nekhi and Blaze, God bless his soul. But lately, O-Lok's patience was wearing thin. He had just come home, he had a lot on his plate and he was still trying to figure out how he was gonna get his baby back. Now to hear that his ex was turning to coke now? This was just too fucking much. Even for a hood nigga.
"So, I can get her back?" O-Lok asked Nyasia's pops over the phone. It was a big surprise how cool he and Randy had gotten, but O-Lok wasn't complaining. With the lifestyle that he lived, Lok needed someone like Randy on his side.

"Yes, you can. All you have to do is find out from your ex who the family was that she gave the baby up to. I can pretty much take it from there," Randy let O-Lok know. O-Lok was very grateful to hear that. Although he had to admit, that he was not at all looking forward to reaching out to Tommoi. He was all the way disgusted and turned off by her. O-Lok vowed to himself that when he finally did get his baby back, Tommoi would not at all be allowed in the child's life.

"Alright, Randy. I will do that. Thank you," O-Lok said, sincerely grateful. Hanging up his phone, O-Lok looked at the screen and pondered his next movements. He thought about Tommoi. How was he going to approach her? "Fuck it. I just gotta do it," he said out loud to himself.

Dialing her number next, O-Lok waited for her to answer. The sound of her voice picking up on her end of the line still warmed his heart. He took a second to reminisce on how they had used to sit up on the phone into the wee hours of the morning, every single night. But now? Tommoi had hurt Lok in the worst way. He couldn't even allow himself to smile at the sound of her voice, even though he knew he still loved her deep down.

"Hello?" Tommoi answered her phone. "What's the name of the family you let adopt my baby?" he didn't hesitate to ask her. He knew that Tommoi could sense the hostility in his tone. But Lok did not give a fuck. He heard Tommoi sigh. "Darryl and Charlotte Nixon," she answered. "I'm going to get the baby back," O-Lok stated.

"That's good, Omar. Please keep me posted. Maybe we can-" O-Lok cut Tommoi off immediately. "Ain't no "we". That's dead. When I get this baby back, you and your cokehead ass just stay over there," he spat, coolly. And then, he banged it.

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