Chapter Thirty Five

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It was 9:00 pm on the dot and Jo finally heard the limo pull up out front of Fury's house. He smiled to himself. Perfect, he thought. The limo had arrived just on time. In the dark, he patiently waited for his wife to enter the house and tried to imagine the shocked expression that would surely be on her face, once she came in and saw him there waiting for her.

He had left Fury's door unlocked so that Kennedy could walk right in. She did. "Babe?" Jo heard Kennedy call, as she pushed the door open. Shaking his head in disdain, Jo waited for Kennedy to turn on the lights. She finally did so. And she was instantly taken aback upon seeing Jo sitting there, on the top of Fury's sofa.

"Jo!" Kennedy gasped, startled. "What's up, wifey? Long time, no see," Jo said to her, casually and calmly. He could see Kennedy's heart beating out of her chest, as she gulped. She had to have known that it was about to go down. Had to. Jo motioned for Kennedy to come closer to him and when she refused, he pulled out his pistol.
Her back up against a wall, Kennedy stepped further into Fury's house. And when she did, she was able to see Fury laying clearly on the floor, dead as a door nail. One lone shot to his forehead, Fury stared up at Kennedy with lifeless eyes. Devastated, Kennedy fell to the floor beside him.

"Darius, no! Please don't be dead!" Kennedy screamed at the top of her lungs, using Fury's first name. Jo watched the whole scene play out, his eyebrow raised. "Oh, I see the two of you must've gotten very close. You know his real name," he commented. Looking up at Jo, Kennedy had tears sliding down her cheeks. And Jo became furious.

I finally get this bitch to cry and it's over this nigga? He thought to himself, angrily. Kennedy never cried and he knew this. "Stand up!" Jo barked at her. Kennedy did as she was told, salty tears still streaming down her eyes. "Now, I want you to fuckin' tell me. Tell me, Kennedy. Did you think I was fucking stupid? Did you really think that you and Fury was gonna get away with this shit, without me noticing?" Jo wanted to know.

And Jo really did want to know. He had been figured it out a while ago, but he had decided to let shit play out. Jo had wanted to see just how far these motherfuckers were going to go and he couldn't believe that Fury and Kennedy had really betrayed him the way that they had.

Jo had suspected for a while that Fury liked Kennedy, from day one. He had never seen no signs of Kennedy liking him back though, until after the murder of Quameek. Then, a jealous Jo had began to notice how "cool" Kennedy and Fury started becoming.

Then lately, Fury had been all into his phone and shit, holding out on Jo when it came to telling who it was that he was talking to all the time. Then, Fury had so suddenly started acting funny, whenever Jo had wanted to come over. That's when Jo's suspicions had really arose, but he still kept quiet and just took note.

Jo had cleverly played ignorant, just to gather all of the evidence he needed. But he needed no more evidence the day he had popped up and saw that Versace robe that he had bought for Kennedy. That was when he knew. Fury and Kennedy were doing him dirt and watching them leave for dates from Nyasia's house had only confirmed that.

"Jo," Kennedy spoke, addressing him as calmly as she could. "I couldn't be with you any longer. I was scared of you. I still am scared of you. And that is no way for me to live," she told him. Her last sentence was very ironic, because Jo didn't plan for her to live anymore at all. "So, you decided to go behind my back and fuck my best friend, just because you was scared of a nigga?" Jo questioned.

Her tears had dried by now and Kennedy shook her head. "I did not mean for this to happen, Jo. I swear," she tried to get him to understand. Jo took a moment to look Kennedy up and down. She looked very beautiful in her Givenchy evening gown. Her makeup all done and her hair styled nice. Clearly, she had taken the liberty to go all out for Fury. Jo couldn't even recall the last time that she had did that for him.

"You fucked him?" Jo questioned. When Kennedy hesitated, Jo pulled back the safety on his gun, ready to blast her. "DID YOU FUCK HIM?" Jo asked Kennedy, again. With one last tear sliding down her cheek, Kennedy nodded her head "yes". The game was over. There was no point in fighting at all. All of her past and dirt had finally caught up to her. And Kennedy was ready to just finally accept her fate.

She was ready to join her loved ones in the after life. Blaze, Brooklyn, Fury and last but not least; Quameek. She knew that he was waiting for her with open arms on the other side. "Well, that's unfortunate for you, Kennedy Graham. That means that you've broken the union of our marriage," Jo reminded her. Kennedy said nothing, she just continued to watch Jo. Waiting for it. She had no more fight left in her, because she had been fighting her entire life.

Jo only had one last thing left to say to her. "That day of our wedding, when I said until death do us part, I had meant that shit. I really fuckin' meant that shit," he told her. Kennedy nodded. "I'm sure you did," she replied, her voice faint, already leaving her body. And then, without another word; Jo pulled the trigger.

One bullet, piercing through Kennedy's skull, silencing her forever. Jo watched, as his wife dropped to the floor, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. It seemed to be in slow motion, as she fell to her knees first and then landed right beside Fury, their blood mixing together.

Jo shook his head. He hated that it had to be them. But it was what it was and Josiah had handled it the best way that he knew how. Only death was punishment enough for the disloyalty that Kennedy and Fury had committed against him.

Jo then turned to his son, who had been sitting quietly and watching the entire scene unfold right in front of his eyes, from underneath the comfort of Fury's island counter. "You can come out now, Siah," Jo said to him. Massiah did as his father had instructed him to.

Massiah eyed the two dead bodies before him and then he looked up at his father. "And that son, is how you handle it when your best friend and your wife betray you," Jo said, concluding the first of many life lessons he planned to teach his young child. Massiah nodded. "I understand, dad. I got it," the boy said. There was nobody that Massiah looked up to more than his own father.

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