Chapter Twenty

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Crystal had been blowing up Nekhi's phone for three days straight and was getting no answer. Pretty soon, her calls were sent straight to voicemail and she was pissed off about it. Why the fuck was Nekhi avoiding her? Why was he doing this? And where was he? She missed him and she just wanted him to come back to her. Couldn't he see that she couldn't live without him?

Crystal assumed that he was back with Nyasia and this angered her. She couldn't do this shit for much longer. Nyasia was gonna have to get out of the way once and for all. Crystal decided that it was finally time to take matters into her own hands.

Grabbing her phone, she clicked onto her Facebook app and then she searched up Ny's name into the search engine. "Nyasia Burroughs". Crystal had been peeped Nyasia's Facebook page from creeping through Nekhi's shit. She found Ny's page, scowling at her profile pic; which was one of Ny smiling brightly, with Wynter beside her, staring blankly into the camera.

Hitting the message button, Crystal composed some words and pressed send. She was surprised when Nyasia responded to her rather quickly. The conversation went like this:

Krystal Klaire(7:43pm): If khi is w. Yu, let him kno he needs 2 come home now.

Nyasia Burroughs(7:44pm): Bitch bye.

Krystal Klaire(7:44pm): Lmfaoooooo, bitch yur madddd!!!

Nyasia Burroughs(7:47pm): Mad about what? Ur irrelevant. I bust ur ass already. Why u in my inbox????

Krystal Klaire(7:47pm): Becuz i want my man 2 come home!!!!

Nyasia Burroughs(7:49pm): Ur man? LMFAOOOOOOOOOO. Again, bitch bye!!!!!!!

Krystal Klaire(7:50pm): I dnt see wuts funny. Yu need 2 understand tht khi is mine now && its a done deal 4 yall. So wen yu speak 2 him tell him i said to come home.

Nyasia Burroughs(7:53pm): Truthfully i don't even know why I'm entertaining this, but lemme explain something to u. It's already a done deal for me nd nekhi. I ended that. So idgaf what ya got goin on ovr there. U can have him. Nd also, if he's "ur man" like u say, u wouldn't have to be hittin me up inquiring about ur nigga!!!! Idk where hes at. He aint wit me. I been wit nekhi for six nd a half yrs luv. Nevr had to hit a bitch up askin my niggas whereabouts. He always came home to me nd our beautiful babygirl. Have a nice night tho ;)

Krystal Klaire(7:55pm): Bitchhhhh yur not the only 1 with a baby from khi. That's rite bitch i am pregnant now! So nekhi will be coming home to ME every nite. So yu can have a seat yur just mad cuz hes mine now.

Nyasia Burroughs(7:57pm): Thats beautiful hun. I wish u a very happy pregnancy. He'll be a gr8 dad. He takes very good care of wynter. And me? Mad? Lol. Nvr. U can have as many of Nekhi's babies as u want. None of em will have shit on my baby tho. Again, have a nice night! :-*

And then Nyasia blocked Crystal. Crystal was tight. She hadn't expected Nyasia to be so calm and mature. Crystal had wanted to rile Nyasia up. It didn't even seem to have phased Ny when Crystal revealed that she was pregnant. And she really was.

Crystal had found out just that morning, when she realized that she was two days late for her period. She had ran to the drug store like a chicken with no neck to purchase a piss stick. She took the pregnancy test and found that she was indeed pregnant. Crystal was overjoyed. But now, she couldn't even get ahold of Nekhi to tell him the great news. That they were going to be a family.

She decided to just send him a text, telling him to call her as soon as he could, because it was urgent. Crystal just hoped and prayed that he would reach back out to her soon. She regretted slapping him the way that she had the other day. She wouldn't have done it, if she'd known that he was gonna leave. Crystal was hoping that it wasn't for good.

Crystal also wasn't sure if she really believed Nyasia when she had said that Khi wasn't with her. Where else would he be? He didn't know nobody out there. Crystal was so dumb, that the idea of Nekhi taking a short trip to New York didn't even cross her mind, not once. She was so obsessed with Nyasia and this idea that Khi was with her.

I don't care what nobody say. Nyasia has to go, Crystal thought. She was stubbornly set on making Ny disappear. It was crazy how a bitch would really hate you, over a nigga who loved you to death.

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