Chapter Twenty Three

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Now that Tommoi had paid for the lawsuit that the Nixons had filed against her, she was broke and running low on coke. This was a problem. Tommoi had enough of the white girl to sniff up maybe one more line and then after that, she was gonna have to figure out how to get more. And getting more was definitely a must.

Making sure the coast was clear, Tommoi locked her bedroom door and pulled out the last of the drug. She sprinkled it into an empty DVD case and then snorted it up her nose. She was used to the tingly sensation that took over first and she resisted the urge to sneeze, as she had learned to do. A couple seconds later, a mean high took over and Tommoi smiled.

To her, sniffing coke was like taking miniature trips to heaven. But that was the problem. Those trips were so beautiful, but lasted for not so long. Fifteen to twenty minutes at most. That was what made the drug so addictive. Being on cloud nine, scratch that, cloud twelve for such a short period of time was not enough. Not nearly enough. That's why Tommoi was plotting on going into her mother's old bedroom, the one beside hers, and taking all her mother's old jewelry. To pawn it.

Ms. Bernadette had hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars in jewelry. She'd traveled to places like Panama, India, Guatemala, Peru and Indonesia; and she had collected so much jewelry from these places. Moi wanted in. Poking her head out of her room, Tommoi listened hard for any sounds of activity coming from Natasha's room (which was formerly their mothers).

It sounded like Tasha and the twins were chilling in the living room. Tommoi couldn't wait until Christian left back to school for the next semester. Because of all that had been going on, he'd taken a year off but was soon going back. Tommoi was heavily anticipating that day.

It was because of him particularly, that she felt extra precarious about what she was doing these days. Christian had been all up in her business alot lately and Moi was scared as hell that he was gonna find out about her sniffing coke.

When Tommoi finally decided that it was safe, she crept into her mother's old bedroom and made it for the closet. That was where Natasha had packed up and put all of Ms. Bernadette's valuables.

Tommoi was really far gone because she didn't even feel bad about what it was that she was about to do. Usually, Tommoi thought about her mother for every rotten decision she made. But lately, the white girl had turned Tommoi into a different person. She didn't care about too much, anymore. She couldn't. She now only held the mental capacity to get high and get high only. That was the only thing that was on her mind these days. Getting high, getting high, getting high. Snorting up, snorting up, snorting up. And she was so young.

Tommoi was so busy rummaging through her mother's shit, that she didn't notice that Christian had walked in and up behind her. He analyzed his little sister for a moment, before clearing his throat and making his presence known. She was clawing through their mothers belongings like a hungry raccoon in the dumpsters at night. Tommoi looked like a savage, with this mad look in her eye, desperate for whatever it was that she was looking for. Christian already had suspicions about what Moi's problem was, but he didn't want to believe it.

"What are you doing?" Christian asked her. Scared to death, Tommoi jumped up, standing up straight - her heart pounding. That was another thing about sniffing coke. That shit made you extra, extra paranoid. Just about anything would startle a cokehead. From someone simply announcing their presence like Christian had done just now, to a loud sneeze. Tommoi turned to face her brother, guilt written all across her face.

"Huh?" she asked him. Christian, with his sassy self, shifted his weight from one foot to the other and crossed his arms his chest. He gave Moi an accusing look. "What are you doing?" he asked her a second time. Tommoi's eyes darted all around the room, as she looked for an excuse or an... escape. "Huh?" she asked Christian a second time.

Christian wasn't with the shits. He was very smart and he knew his sister was high off something more potent than any weed he knew. He aggressively grabbed her by her throat (proving the fact that gays, though feminine, were still very masculine in strength), and he looked her in the eye. "You're high," he said to her, making a statement. He didn't need any confirmation, he already knew what it was. His little sister was a crackhead and he was furious about it.

Christian let Tommoi go, before he lost control of his anger and hauled off and whooped her ass. What was Tommoi thinking? She was much smarter than that. Much, much smarter. Doing drugs was beneath her.

Tommoi tried to save face. "It's just a little weed," she tried. Christian gave her the "get real" look. He was no dummy. "Bitch, please. That ain't no weed! If it is, you laced it. 'Cause I done smoked every weed there is and I ain't never been caught shivering and shaking like a stripper, as you are right now. Bitch, you on some other shit and I want to know what it is! You on crack? You poppin perks?" Christian drilled.

Tommoi shook her head, violently. She just had to get Christian off her back. "No, no! No, not none of that," she insisted, lying her ass off. Not knowing what else to do, Tommoi began to cry. She just wanted Christian to leave her alone. Leave her alone, so that she could rob their deceased mother blind.

Christian nodded. "Okay. Cool. I'll accept that for now, because I don't have enough evidence to accuse you of anything yet. So, go ahead. Go ahead and take whatever it was you were looking for in Mommy's closet. Go ahead. Take it, bitch. And when you pawn it for that money, make sure you buy you enough drugs to get you a real good high. Because when shit hits the fan, I'ma make sure Tasha fucks you up. And I just might join her," Christian said.

That was called reverse psychology. It was good reverse psychology, too. Again, Christian was no dummy. With one last look, he stalked off and exited the room. Tommoi waited until she was sure that her brother was gone, before leaving the room herself. She didn't touch any of her mothers shit. Moi knew that her brother wasn't playing no games. She would just have to find another way to get high.

"I promise, Ny. I'll send it right back to you as soon as I can," Tommoi said on the phone to Nyasia later that day. She had just asked her bestie to send her two hundred dollars through Western Union. Poor Nyasia, who didn't really have it like that, assured Tommoi that she would send her the money the first thing that next morning. She had no idea that her best friend had intentions of using her hard earned money to buy cocaine with.

And Tommoi should've been ashamed of herself, but she wasn't. To be technical, she was taking two hundred dollars from her goddaughters mouth. Tommoi couldn't see how fast she was spiraling downward. Now she was preying on innocent unsuspecting people to help fund her bad habit. Her mother was turning in her grave.

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