Chapter Twenty Nine

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Nyasia sat on the phone with Isaiah. Now that she had let go of Nekhi, Ny was ready to move onto bigger and better. And to her, that was Isaiah. She hadn't seen or heard from him in a while, and now they were just doing some catching up over the phone. They'd been doing so for the past week and they had plans of Isaiah coming out there to visit. Nyasia honestly couldn't wait. The best way to get over a nigga was to get under a new one.

"How's Samara?" Nyasia asked, talking about Isaiah's daughter. "She's getting big. India and Samara's real dad broke up. Now, India has been trying to get back with me," Isaiah informed Ny. Nyasia's ears perked up. She had just come out of a relationship full of her own drama with Nekhi. She didn't want to walk blindly into some shit with Isaiah.

"And are you gonna get back with her?" Ny quizzed. The last time that she had checked, Isaiah did admit that he still loved his baby's mother. Even though Samara wasn't even his biologically. "Nah. I'm not gonna get back with her. I can't ever trust her again," Isaiah replied. Nyasia felt him on that one. She was just about to reply, when she heard her doorbell ring.

Figuring it was Kennedy back from her date with her boo, Nyasia got up to go open the door, her phone still to her ear and she continued talking to Isaiah. Luckily, Nyasia always looked through her peephole before opening her door, because her not being prepared, could've been the end of her life.

Looking through the peephole, she saw someone that she had hoped and prayed she would never have to come face to face with in life. She had only seen this man once before at the YUS all white party the year before and even then, it was only by a glimpse. But even still, Ny could and would never forget a face. Jo stood on the opposite side of her door.

"Isaiah, I'm going to call you back," Nyasia said into her phone, ending the call. She was so happy that her child was sleep, but Nyasia still knew that she had to answer her door. She had heard how crazy Jo was and she was sure that he knew someone was home. He more than likely wouldn't go away.

Running back to her room, Nyasia opened up her bottom drawer and pulled out Nekhi's Beretta M9, that he had been left for her to have in case of emergencies. Taking off the safety and making sure that it was fully loaded, Nyasia returned to the front, as Jo continued to ring her doorbell.

Taking a deep breath, Ny opened the door. She kept her gun hidden behind her back. Jo looked at her and tilted his head, just like Michael Myers did in his movies right before he was about to kill you. This nigga gave Nyasia the creeps and she wondered if she should've just taken him out right then and there.

"Where's Kennedy?" Jo growled. "She's not here," Nyasia replied. "You's a fuckin' liar!" Jo accused, stepping a little closer. Nyasia pulled her gun from behind her back and pointed it right at the middle of Jo's forehead. He looked at her, surprised. "Back the fuck back," Nyasia ordered. He did. Slowly.

Nyasia kept the gun aimed at Jo's head steady, just as Nekhi had taught her to do. Even though she felt scared as hell, Nekhi had told her to never let that shit show. Keep her hand steady and avoid trembling. A shaky hand and a nigga would automatically know that you was scared. Jo wasn't the nigga to let know that. He had to believe that Ny was gully.

"I just wanna know where my wife is," Jo said, carefully. "I told you that I don't know where she is. She's not here. Now, get the fuck away from my crib," Nyasia spat. Jo looked a little intrigued by Nyasia's gangster. "Will you really shoot me if I don't?" he asked her. "Stay and find out," Nyasia challenged him, still holding her ground. She silently prayed to God that Jo would just leave and never return.

"There will be no need for that. You obviously don't have what I came here for," Jo stated. "Well, get going. And don't come back," Nyasia told Jo, seriously. She watched him walk off and she didn't lower the gun until he was in his car and had driven well off. When he was finally out of sight, Nyasia let out an exasperated sigh, dropping her arm that held the gun. What is life? Ny asked herself. Then, she stepped back into her house and closed the door behind her, making sure the doors were locked tight.

Now, this twisted ass nigga knows where I live, Ny thought to herself. This shit was just great! She knew she had to warn Kennedy now. And she could only hope that Jo would take heed to what she had said and never come back to her house.

"He came here? He came here?!" Kennedy hyperventilated. Her breathing began to quicken and she ran to Nyasia's closet and began grabbing her shit, starting to pack. Ny felt bad for Kennedy. Since knowing her ever since the third grade, she'd never seen Kennedy so scared and vulnerable.

"Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy. Just take it easy. Just breathe," Ny spoke to her. Kennedy shook her head, violently. "I gotta go," she told Nyasia. "But where do you have to go, Kennedy?" Ny asked her. Kenny shrugged. "I don't know," she murmured. "Kennedy, listen. I held it down. Jo won't be back. I'll kill him if he does come back," Nyasia assured. She didn't want Kennedy to leave, because if she did, Ny knew that she would just worry herself sick about her.

Then her pressure would probably go up, she'd probably end up in the hospital and then they would all be fucked up in the game. So, Kennedy needed to just stay. "Nyasia, if something happens to you or Wynter because I'm here, I will never forgive myself. I can't keep having people I love getting harmed at the hands of, Jo. I just can't," Kennedy responded.

Nyasia got up from her place on her bed. She wrapped Kennedy up in a tight hug. "It's all gonna be alright," Ny reassured her. It was funny how Nyasia was only twenty years old, trying to take care of everyone around her like a grandma.

Kennedy looked at Nyasia, true fear in her eyes. "You sure, Ny? Do you really believe that? Because Jo is crazy," she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Nyasia nodded. "I know. But I'm not gonna let you just walk into danger," she said back.

The two young women sat down on Nyasia's bed and continued to talk about the situation at hand. "I still can't believe he killed my brother," Kennedy spoke out loud. Nyasia was quiet for a minute. "Kennedy? You wanna know something?" she said.

Kennedy looked at her, curiously. "What?" she asked. "Quameek knew that he was gonna die," Nyasia admitted. "What do you mean?" Kennedy then asked, wanting Ny to elaborate. Nyasia nodded, remembering the day and some tears slid down her cheeks. "He told me. About a month before it happened. He said... that ever since he could remember, life just been a nightmare. For the both of you. And he said that it's just been one heartache after the next for ya'll. Meek didn't think that either one of ya'll were meant to make it," Ny informed Kennedy.

Kennedy sat quiet. "I feel the same," she admitted sadly, with her head hanging low. Nyasia's eyes almost popped out of her sockets. She didn't understand why either Kennedy or her brother would feel this way. "Why, Kennedy? Why do you feel that way?" she questioned. Kennedy had her flaws, but she did not deserve to feel such a gloomy feeling.

"I just do. I don't know, for a long time I've had this weird sensitivity. Like a very spiritual one. I believe in God and I always have. I guess because of that, my intuition is always on point. How you think I've made it this far? Just surviving solely off my instincts and intuition. But I don't think I was meant to be here very long. I don't. Maybe Meek had that spiritual instinct, too. Me and him were always oddly close. Like, we used to read each others minds and shit," Kenny grinned, remembering. "I always felt like we were supposed to be twins," Kennedy informed Nyasia.

But Ny still wasn't understanding. "Kennedy, you shouldn't feel that way. You're a survivor! You've come so far already," she pointed out, trying to get her friend to see the light. "Nyasia, I've done so much dirt in my life just to survive. I guess it's all just finally catching up to me. Karma is real," Kennedy said. Then, she looked off into space. "Karma is very fucking real..."
Nyasia stood in the kitchen, cooking. She hadn't really got busy in the kitchen in a while, so she decided that today was the day to make a mean Sunday dinner. She was preparing cabbage with smoked neckbones, rice, barbecue ribs and cornbread.

It was funny how much Nekhi loved her food, he usually said he could smell it miles away. There was a ring of the doorbell. The hairs on Nyasia's neck and arms, immediately stood up on end. She went to go grab her gun, before answering the door.

Hiding the gun behind her back, Nyasia swung the door open wide and aimed the gun high, without even checking through the peephole this time. Nekhi stood there, perplexed, with his hands held high up in the air. "Damn," he said. "It's like that?"

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